


16:43 Ticket #572 (deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0) closed by zooko
fixed: fixed by 79535e4f5b0d23b9, but it looks like other tests …
16:18 Ticket #572 (deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0) created by zooko
I was deceived by timestamps on distribution files when I said that …


19:40 Ticket #571 (trac cia integration) created by zooko
Try out this plugin: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracCiaPlugin
19:40 Ticket #570 (buildbot trac integration) created by zooko
Try out this hack: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/TracBuildbotIntegration
18:42 Ticket #569 (need test for advertisement of large share support) created by zooko
per mailing list message …
18:33 Ticket #568 (make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given ...) created by zooko
For immutable files, Check/Verify/Repair could do its work with only …


01:48 Ticket #567 (add version info to t=JSON output data) created by warner
It will probably make life easier in the future if we add a version …


18:09 Ticket #566 (host tahoe dependencies) created by zooko
Let's upload 3rd party libraries which are needed to build tahoe to …


23:50 Ticket #346 (increase share-size field to 8 bytes, remove 12GiB filesize limit) closed by zooko
fixed: Fixed by 6c4019ec33e7a253, but not by the expected …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.