


18:45 Changeset in trunk [3a5730c] by Mark Berger <mark.berger.j@…>
Ignore .DS_Store files
18:43 Ticket #2022 (Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore) created by markberger
On OSX there is a proprietary file format called .DS_Store that holds …
08:20 LocalGrid edited by Elderry
Fixed path (diff)


19:18 Ticket #2015 (leasedb: high file descriptor usage exposed by tests) closed by daira
fixed: Fixed in …


22:00 Ticket #2021 (improvements to security/reliability of packaging that are possible ...) created by daira
This ticket is to investigate options for mitigating …
14:41 WeeklyMeeting edited by zooko
URL (diff)
14:38 Ticket #2016 (Not enough available servers are found) closed by daira
duplicate: Replying to daira: > Same bug as #1791? Yes, that bug …
14:06 WeeklyMeeting edited by daira
correct date and add agenda for 2013-07-09 (diff)
00:24 Ticket #2020 (write requirements doc for what we want from a package installer) created by daira
#1582 enumerates problems with setuptools but does not suggest a …


21:26 WeeklyMeeting edited by nejucomo
Update time with new "Tuesday Trial period" (diff)
20:10 Ticket #2019 (Add disclaimer that "Tahoe-LAFS is unrelated to Tahoe Data Manager" ...) created by nejucomo
Synopsis: There's a potential naming confusion with the "Tahoe …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.