- 16:39 Changeset in trunk [c1a699d] by
- Flake.
- 16:37 Changeset in trunk [afc443b] by
- News file.
- 16:36 Changeset in trunk [22dcd72] by
- Port to Python 3.
- 16:35 Changeset in trunk [15735e7] by
- Port to Python 3.
- 15:31 Ticket #3546 (Port allmydata.introducer to Python 3 (part 1)) created by
- 14:44 Ticket #3504 (The introducer furl should be treated as private) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"15d0207f89e10afc39aba326aa03b005ccfb80d4/trunk" …
- 14:44 Changeset in trunk [15d0207] by
- Merge pull request #897 from tahoe-lafs/3504.private-introducer-furl …
- 14:40 Ticket #3515 (The pre-commit push hook takes a long time to run) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"840a8af1e9397d92029bd2b04cf7cff09ae87712/trunk" …
- 14:40 Changeset in trunk [840a8af] by
- Merge pull request #904 from tahoe-lafs/3515.partial-pre-commit …
- 10:40 Changeset in trunk [d531cc9] by
- new README file based on Victoriia’s changes
- 10:27 Ticket #3545 (Add new README based on Victoriia's changes) created by
- After integrating team feedback, Victoriia updated the ReadMe? file and …
- 20:26 Changeset in trunk [0386924d] by
- Fix flake.
- 20:24 Changeset in trunk [b716456] by
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into …
- 20:24 Ticket #3514 (Port allmydata.test.test_introducer to Python 3) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"71d287c1c1709f22060bbfa0c41883708ea2a25d/trunk" …
- 20:24 Changeset in trunk [71d287c] by
- Merge pull request #905 from tahoe-lafs/3514.test-introducer-python-3 …
- 14:22 Changeset in trunk [a0d46c6] by
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into …
- 21:32 Changeset in trunk [4b5db76] by
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into …
- 17:04 Ticket #3511 (Support mutating tahoe.cfg via _Config) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"8d6b49669bfb6bdacbd9aa791522acf07a1ef582/trunk" …
- 17:04 Changeset in trunk [8d6b4966] by
- Merge pull request #900 from tahoe-lafs/3511.config-set-config Add …
- 16:58 Changeset in trunk [58722203] by
- Fix bad merge.
- 15:15 Ticket #3505 (Grid Manager: consider disallowing downloads as well) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"5f02e5b81671990c0f27baf12a836adef8c09cae/trunk" …
- 15:15 Changeset in trunk [5f02e5b] by
- Merge pull request #896 from tahoe-lafs/3505.furl-docs fURL / NURL …
- 14:55 Changeset in trunk [272d6d0] by
- Update developer docs wrt pre-commit
- 14:54 Changeset in trunk [d50a115] by
- verbose is kind of annoying for normal use
- 11:24 Ticket #3542 (CircleCI: Tor project's Debian package repository keys have expired) closed by
- fixed: In [changeset:"b54c7b6a668374534b646f6f8c0ba23f06a94daa/trunk" …
- 11:24 Changeset in trunk [b54c7b6] by
- Merge pull request #912 from tahoe-lafs/3542.ci-use-new-tor-repo-keys …
- 00:18 Changeset in trunk [9ea9972] by
- Undo docker image building trigger
- 22:56 Changeset in trunk [d5ba1be5] by
- Passing tests.
- 22:56 Changeset in trunk [8a47227] by
- News file.
- 22:55 Changeset in trunk [17ec22a] by
- Even more debytification of furls.
- 22:41 Changeset in trunk [22c328d] by
- More debytification.
- 22:33 Changeset in trunk [df3ec2a] by
- Try to trigger image building
- 22:20 Changeset in trunk [ff49414a] by
- Use Tor project's new repository signing key Fix for …
- 22:20 Changeset in trunk [6769488] by
- Some progress towards ripping out furls-as-bytes.
- 21:47 Changeset in trunk [27102c0] by
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into …
- 21:45 Ticket #3544 (Revisit decision to make furls bytes, maybe they should be native strings?) created by
- 21:45 Changeset in trunk [8615c1a] by
- Try to fix sorting on Python 3.
- 21:28 Changeset in trunk [eaca639] by
- Undo changes that should probably be in a different branch.
- 21:27 Ticket #3543 (Common testtools infrastructure swallows Twisted tests on failures) created by
- Adding some options to AsynchronousDeferredRunTest?* ought to fix it: …
- 21:25 Changeset in trunk [413cf75] by
- Uses clearer issuperset().
- 21:24 Changeset in trunk [9f7ae56] by
- Make the explanation less nonsensical.
- 20:53 Ticket #3542 (CircleCI: Tor project's Debian package repository keys have expired) created by
- Here's a couple of CircleCI failures: * …
- 20:42 Ticket #3541 (CircleCI cannot find context "dockerhub-auth") created by
- In #3483, we added a "dockerhub-auth" context which holds DockerHub …
- 18:53 Ticket #3540 (allmydata.mutable.publish.Publish.publish has unreliably covered bad ...) created by
- From https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2891 and …
- 18:37 Changeset in trunk [17ed8af] by
- Make the new test data files installable There's an existing rule …
- 18:27 Changeset in trunk [ef2f7e6] by
- unused import
- 18:26 Changeset in trunk [2ac4af7f] by
- Add some direct tests for NodeMaker.create_from_uri
- 18:23 Changeset in trunk [4ca45aa] by
- Catch basedir type errors earlier
- 13:56 Changeset in trunk [01ab8d3] by
- Don't look before you leap
- 13:56 Changeset in trunk [b02a4f7] by
- news fragment
- 13:53 Ticket #3539 (allmydata.test.web.test_web.Web.test_POST_upload_format (and others) ...) created by
- […]
- 13:46 Ticket #1792 (make Tahoe-LAFS work under PyPy) closed by
- fixed: Merged in …
- 21:33 Changeset in trunk [d2d3f1f4] by
- Suppress type errors in test_checker
- 21:32 Changeset in trunk [86f88a4] by
- Satisfy type checks in test_dirnode
- 21:30 Changeset in trunk [54e4549] by
- Satisfy type check in test_helper.FakeClient?.
- 21:26 Changeset in trunk [fc19d1b] by
- Suppress errors in test_sftp
- 21:24 Changeset in trunk [b0803a2] by
- Suppress errors in test_web due to ambiguous MRO
- 21:22 Changeset in trunk [13cd780] by
- Prefer sys.maxsize to sys.maxint.
- 21:19 Changeset in trunk [7507e84] by
- Suppress errors in no_network
- 21:14 Changeset in trunk [53ff740f] by
- Suppress type check error on NativeStorageServerWithVersion?
- 21:08 Changeset in trunk [ffa19d1] by
- Suppress typing errors in common Nodes
- 21:06 Changeset in trunk [2514196] by
- Suppress typing error in DummyStorageClient?
- 21:05 Changeset in trunk [3653d7ed] by
- Ignore type checks on Referenceable objects. Ref warner/foolscap#78.
- 21:04 Changeset in trunk [1768377] by
- Ignore error in DummyStorage?
- 20:56 Changeset in trunk [b1b3a23] by
- Fix type errors with CPUUsageMonitor subclasses with float POLL_INTERVAL.
- 20:52 Changeset in trunk [572d7b2] by
- Ignore error when untyped Module has no dispatch.
- 20:48 Changeset in trunk [acbb6b3] by
- Convert subcommands to tuples instead of lists, as that's what mypy …
- 20:24 Changeset in trunk [41c341a] by
- Prefer type(None) for better compatibility.
- 20:22 Changeset in trunk [6b772e7] by
- Declare type for BaseOptions?.description_unwrapped.
- 20:21 Changeset in trunk [cb351607] by
- Repeat type declaration from parent to avoid over-constraining this …
- 20:19 Changeset in trunk [6ea9003] by
- Declare MultiFormatResource?.formatDefault as optional string for …
- 20:16 Changeset in trunk [8b991d3] by
- Update DirectoryNode.set_uri to match interface spec.
- 20:13 Changeset in trunk [67f0be8] by
- Prefer type(None) for better compatibility.
- 20:08 Changeset in trunk [646297d] by
- Add stub for LocalCiphertextReader?.set_upload_status
- 20:06 Changeset in trunk [32b77c4] by
- Ignore interface violation in MutableFileVersion?.download_to_data
- 20:02 Changeset in trunk [a75454a] by
- Add stub for MutableFileVersion?.get_servermap
- 19:58 Changeset in trunk [103bec6] by
- On MutableFileNode?, accept optional 'progress' parameter as declared …
- 19:55 Changeset in trunk [af172f6] by
- Repeat type declaration from parent to avoid over-constraining this …
- 19:52 Changeset in trunk [c3a22966] by
- Add stubs for methods demanded by IPeerSelector
- 19:44 Changeset in trunk [1b92da7] by
- Some subclasses use ints, so just go for Any
- 19:35 Changeset in trunk [e0eb639] by
- Declare type for BaseOptions?.description. Fixes many type errors.
- 19:32 Changeset in trunk [1248d65] by
- Declare types for BasedirOptions?. Fixes several errors.
- 19:26 Changeset in trunk [e9ddcf5] by
- Implement set_size as required by the interface
- 19:23 Changeset in trunk [7e757d2] by
- As _ImmutableFileNodeBase doesn't implement the interface, move the …
- 19:15 Changeset in trunk [cc91b7c] by
- Declare DirectoryURIVerifier type to allow subclass to override.
- 19:08 Changeset in trunk [dca0840] by
- Add stubs for methods demanded by the interface
- 19:04 Changeset in trunk [6ba7533] by
- Ignore failure on StorageServer?.slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev, the …
- 19:01 Changeset in trunk [bc3508c] by
- Ignore type checks on cmp usage (awaiting Python 3 porting)
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [50f81aa2] by
- Update two methods of introducer.client.IntroducerClient? to match the …
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [4998c46] by
- Ignore type checks on Referenceable objects. Ref warner/foolscap#78.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [adf0688] by
- Add a non-implementation of encode_proposal to satisfy interface.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [5f40c56] by
- Remove self arguments to IProgress, which mypy caught as improper.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [dec6f6d] by
- Remove Interface subclass, as IURI is an interface. Fixes mypy error.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [df31d7d] by
- Suppress type error in Node.GENERATED_FILES, apparently unused.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [25cce8b] by
- Suppress typing errors in fileutil, crawler, fixups.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [8da82e9] by
- Add workaround for Shoobx/mypy-zope#26.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [d1ea367] by
- Add type declarations to check_load.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [ce3b775] by
- Suppress typing error in test_python3
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [f2ffa78] by
- Define type of PollMixin?._poll_should_ignore_these_errors
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [4b559ffc] by
- Add typechecks to tox run
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [6d2d82d] by
- Use pre-release versions of foolscap and mypy-zope with intended …
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [ab545855] by
- Incorporate mypy-zope to support zope interfaces.
- 18:57 Changeset in trunk [ee9d9d79] by
- Add mypy checks as separate tox environment.
- 21:28 Changeset in trunk [e6a09fa] by
- Don't check check-debugging.py
- 21:24 Changeset in trunk [263ada9b] by
- Get rid of the spurious quotes in the flake8 command I don't …
- 02:48 Changeset in trunk [4c8fb8d] by
- unused import
- 02:46 Changeset in trunk [ae5351c] by
- Adapt test_tor to write_introducer change
- 02:18 Changeset in trunk [84088e4] by
- unused import
- 01:53 Changeset in trunk [805378ef] by
- Do more path stuff with FilePath?
- 00:35 Changeset in trunk [a978fcf] by
- Replace asserts with explicit checks and TypeError?
- 00:29 Changeset in trunk [3843131] by
- Can have more than one introducer if you want
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.