


16:23 Changeset in trunk [b122cd0] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #1387 from hacklschorsch/raise-ci-timeouts 4126 - …
15:15 Changeset in trunk [645f56c] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
15:14 Ticket #4126 (Unit test suite inconsistently failing on CircleCI) created by hacklschorsch
1. For at least 3 months (likely more, but can no longer see older …
14:46 Changeset in trunk [549cb8e] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Integration tests: 5min instead of 3min timeout Recently, mostly on …


20:33 Ticket #4114 (CircleCI Windows builds have bitrotted) closed by hacklschorsch
12:08 Changeset in trunk [13fb05a] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Add news
12:04 Changeset in trunk [0b13875] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Remove now-unused imports to fix codechecks
11:58 Changeset in trunk [7efc31d] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
MyPy? in tests: Ignore StubTreq? being a stub and not having all the attrs
11:51 Changeset in trunk [4f20612] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
This pacifies mypy regarding treq/StubTreq for me Lots of trial and …


18:05 Changeset in trunk [6cf6747] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #1383 from hacklschorsch/fix-windos-ci 4114: Fix …
13:26 Changeset in trunk [aedd948] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
13:24 Changeset in trunk [8f90e6f] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Add news.
13:17 Changeset in trunk [73d42c7] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
13:00 Changeset in trunk [92e195d] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Windows server 2022 current image has python 3.9 and 3.12 installed
12:50 Changeset in trunk [0d196ef] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
We need the _version.py file in any case, even if we use the cache.
12:11 Changeset in trunk [151cd2b] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Flick a byte in setup.py in order to rotate the CircleCI cache key
12:11 Changeset in trunk [2efa78e] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Work around Windows 2022 _version.py writing race
12:11 Changeset in trunk [e49eba3] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Move tool versions step down a bit to where we actually have all these …
12:11 Changeset in trunk [a26782e] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
YOLO windows image
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.