


18:48 Changeset in trunk [f58eb85] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Hey Towncrier we have a working Debian package again!
18:43 Changeset in trunk [ac47e29] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Wtf, CircleCI doesn't support globbing for collecting artifacts
18:31 Changeset in trunk [abd0b3a] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Debian Trixie is Debian 13
18:26 Changeset in trunk [88608fb] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Store artefact (built deb package)
18:05 Changeset in trunk [adf7cbf] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
For kicks - try what happens if we don't stop when Quilt fails
17:58 Changeset in trunk [b9283fd] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
I thought CircleCI might stay in the directory in between steps but …
17:53 Changeset in trunk [6f3af15] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Do the empty curlies convince CircleCI to work on my job?
17:39 Changeset in trunk [919999be] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Set up a CI job to build and test the Debian packaging Refs [ticket: …
00:00 Changeset in trunk [8aed2d5] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
fix(time_format): invalid comparison of strings to enums


23:49 Changeset in trunk [c73541a8] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
chore(news): add newsfragment for ticket #4155 to ensure codechecks pass
23:48 Changeset in trunk [14bf5ad] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
refactor(time_format): enhance duration parsing with Enum and dynamic …
12:59 OSPackages edited by hacklschorsch
Update Tahoe-LAFS version of package in Debian testing (diff)
12:53 Ticket #4156 (Delete Slack workspace) created by hacklschorsch
There's a Slack workspace at https://tahoe-lafs.slack.com/ . * It …
05:04 Changeset in trunk [f451755] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #1423 from a-detiste/master clean Python2 syntax


19:43 Changeset in trunk [66e1b5e] by Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste@…>
18:46 Ticket #4155 (parse_duration() doesn't understand seconds) created by meejah
User https://github.com/sgerodes on GitHub? reports: configuring …
15:56 Changeset in trunk [c09a0eb] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
feat(parse_duration): improve the error message
15:50 Changeset in trunk [875f7fa4] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
test(parse_duration): add tests for seconds
15:42 Changeset in trunk [a555c13f] by sgerodes <sgerodes@…>
fix(parse_duration): resolve error when parsing durations in seconds …


01:07 Changeset in trunk [048c085] by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #1424 from …


22:16 Changeset in trunk [5a51e614] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
(No) news.
22:09 Changeset in trunk [00046c90] by Florian Sesser <florian@…>
Remove NixOS 24.11 CI job for Python 3.10 NixOS 24.11 has Python 3.12 …
21:51 Changeset in trunk [fec97256] by Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste@…>
trim Python2 syntax
21:51 Changeset in trunk [20d2c694] by Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.detiste@…>
trim "six" usage
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.