Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of AccountingDesign

2008-07-01T00:46:32Z (17 years ago)

describe furlification


  • AccountingDesign

    v7 v8  
    212212 * if multiple pubkeys map to the same pet name, their usage will be added
    213213   together at display time.
     215== Furlification ==
     217An authorized client will have a private key and a certificate chain that
     218authorizes that privkey to perform some operation. Since we use Foolscap to
     219perform storage operations, we need a way to get from the cert-chain/pubkey
     220world to the live-{{{RemoteReference}}} world. (an alternative would be to
     221sign each storage operation, encrypting the result to some public key for
     222confidentiality, but we would prefer an approach that does not require quite
     223so many expensive public-key operations on the server). This process is
     224called "furlification", since it serves to convert the certchain+privkey into
     225a FURL that references an object which has the delegated authority.
     227The process starts by creating an encoded message that looks very much like
     228the certificate described above. This message can contain any of the
     229limitations or attenuations that the cert-chain message holds. But instead of
     230a field named {{{delegate-pubkey}}}, it will have one named
     231{{{beneficiary-FURL}}}. This message is signed by the private key that sits
     232at the end of the certificate chain. Then the cert-chain, the message, the
     233signature, a nonce, and one other argument named "precache-ignored" are all
     234sent to the storage server's "login" facet. The return value from this
     235message is ignored.
     237After checking the signatures, the login facet is then required to create a
     238new {{{foolscap.Referenceable}}} object with the given authority (called the
     239"operational object", or "Personal Storage Server Facet"), and to send
     240(nonce, object-FURL, object) to the client-side object designated by the
     241beneficiary-FURL. Any successful return value from this message is ignored
     242(although it may raise {{{AuthorityExpiredError}}}, see below).
     244The beneficiary-FURL is used for the return path (instead of the return value
     245from the login message) because the server that receives the signed message
     246could easily forward it on to server2 in an attempt to steal the
     247corresponding server2 authority. Since server2 will only send the operational
     248object to the beneficiary, server1 cannot benefit from this sort of
     249violation. However, to avoid a Foolscap round-trip, the beneficiary object is
     250sent as the "precache-ignored" argument: this allows Foolscap to pre-cache
     251the beneficiary without harming any of the security properties.
     253The object-FURL is expected to be persistent: clients should be able to cache
     254them for later use (to reduce the number of pubkey operations that servers
     255are required to perform). The object itself is sent in the beneficiary
     256message mainly to pre-fill the Foolscap table; the client is allowed to
     257either use the object directly or to getReference the object-FURL.
     259Servers are expected to create a FURL that contains a MAC'ed description of
     260the object's limitations (and use Foolscap's Tub.registerNameLookupHandler),
     261rather than maintain a big table from random swissnum to object description.
     262Servers can include expiration times in these swissnums. If the client
     263experiences {{{AuthorityExpiredError}}} when using their object reference (or
     264when using getReference on the object-FURL), they must attempt the login
     265process again with a new signed request message. If they experience
     266{{{AuthorityExpiredError}}} during the login process, then part of their
     267certificate chain may have expired.