3 | | UPDATE: The [http://www.python.org/psf Python Software Foundation] will allow Tahoe projects to be listed on [http://wiki.python.org/moin/SummerOfCode/2009 its GSoC Ideas Page]. We are now busily copying the best of our Ideas (below) over onto that page and adding detail to them to help student understand whether that Idea would be a good project for them. |
| 3 | UPDATE: The [http://www.python.org/psf Python Software Foundation], a GSoC umbrella organization, will sponsor Tahoe! |
| 4 | |
| 5 | Students: you don't have to use one of the following Ideas. You can come up with your own Ideas, either inspired by these or your own Blue Sky idea. The important things to remember are: 1. E-mail the Mentor team (listed at the bottom of this page) ''immediately'' saying that you are interested. 2. Submit an Application to Google by Friday at 19:00 UTC. That application doesn't have to be final and polished -- you will be able to update it after the deadline, if you get it in before the deadline. |