Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of NewMutableEncodingDesign

2009-08-25T10:46:44Z (15 years ago)

start to write down notes


  • NewMutableEncodingDesign

    v1 v1  
     1This page is for notes and design considerations for the next version of
     2tahoe's mutable files. NewCapDesign includes a lot of desired features, this
     3page is about the backend layout that would make those features possible.
     5 * #217 contains a lot of the original notes.
     6 * #492 adds a ciphertext hash tree
     7 * #794 is about creating writecaps from passphrases
     8 * #795 is about append-only filecaps, #796 is closely related
     9 * #308 is about deep-traversal dircaps, which will require support from the
     10   underlying mutable files
     12= Yay ECDSA =
     14Once we have ECDSA (#331), we'll have a general-purpose signing primitive
     15with short fields (K=kappa bits for the signing key, 2K for the verifying
     16key, and 4K for the signature, with an expected K=128bits, so 16-byte signing
     17keys, 32-byte verifying keys, and 64-byte signatures). Our current RSA-based
     18signatures use 1216-*byte* signing keys, 292-byte verifying keys, and
     19256-byte signatures.
     21The RSA fields are so large that we clearly cannot put them in the filecaps,
     22so the encoding scheme requires them to be stored in the shares, encrypted
     23and hashed as necessary. The DSA keys are short enough (in most cases) to put
     24directly in the filecap, simplifying the design considerably.
     26= Desired Features =
     28 * fewer roundtrips: mutable retrieve must currently fetch the pubkey (or
     29   encrypted privkey) from at least one server, which complicates the state
     30   machine and can add roundtrips when we guess incorrectly about a good
     31   amount of data to fetch on the initial read
     32 * offline attenuation: it should be possible to attenuate/diminish the
     33   writecap into the readcap without retrieving any shares, otherwise
     34   operations like adding a child dircap to a parent directory will be much
     35   slower (a roundtrip per child).
     36 * writecap -> readcap -> deep-traversal-cap -> verifycap . This requires
     37   some form of intermediate key scheme.
     38 * server-side share validation
     39  * one option is to get rid of the "write-enabler" shared secret and rely
     40    upon server validation exclusively. This would make share migration
     41    easier and remove one need for an encrypted channel (lease secrets would
     42    continue to need protection unless/until they too are replaced with
     43    signature verification). However, it would also increase server load.