
Version 20 (modified by zooko, at 2010-02-02T06:35:44Z) (diff)

move some news from News to OldNews

Old News

See also new News.

Archived News Items

2008-03-25 -- Tahoe, the Least-Authority Filesystem v1.0 released!

This is version 1.0. We plan to actively support this branch for the forseeable future and to maintain backwards compatibility with it in future releases of Tahoe.

Please see the Release Notes.

2008-03-13 -- Tahoe v0.9 released!

This is a major release of "Tahoe" -- Tahoe is now considered stable enough to store valuable data.

Please see the Release Notes.

2008-03-14 -- Tahoe presented at PyCon

PyCon2008: paper and slides

2008-02-15 -- Tahoe v0.8.0 released!

This release extends the user interfaces to provide visibility into the operation of the network, and adds preliminary Windows, Macintosh, and FUSE extensions.

Please see the Release Notes.

2008-01-08 -- Tahoe v0.7.0 released!

This release adds decentralized mutable files and directories, a FUSE interface, and a novel open source licence.

Please see the Release Notes.

2007-10-15 -- Tahoe v0.6.1 released!

This release focusses on packaging, documentation, and usability.

Please see the Release Notes.

2007-09-24 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.6 released!

This release features improved packaging (including binary packages for easier installation), performance, reliability, and potential future-compatibility.

Please see the Release Notes.

2007-08-23 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.5.1 released!

This fixes a security flaw in Tahoe v0.5.0.

Please see the Release Notes.

2007-08-21 -- security flaw

Nathan Wilcox has discovered that the new web API in allmydata-tahoe version 0.5 is vulnerable to XSRF attack. An XSRF -- or "Cross-Site Reference Forgery" attack -- is one in which an attacker creates an innocuous-looking hyperlink, and if a user clicks on that hyperlink then it causes deletion or theft of the user's data. We are working on a fix for this problem, and in the meantime if you have stored any private or precious data on a tahoe grid, then you can make sure that you are not exposed to this threat by shutting down your tahoe node before browsing the web.

You can read more about the attack and our fix in the mailing list archves:

and in this bug tracker ticket:

2008-09-23 -- FAST'09 paper

A Performance Evaluation and Examination of Open-Source Erasure Coding Libraries For Storage will be presented at FAST-2009: 7th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies

2008-08-24 -- interactive illustration

Here is an interactive illustration showing how Tahoe works, thanks to Drew Perttula.

2008-08-18 -- publication of a paper describing Tahoe

The paper describing Tahoe has been accepted into the ACM Storage, Security, and Survivability Workshop

2008-07-21 -- v1.2 released!

This release fixes a security flaw in Tahoe v1.1 and offers several other improvements. Please see the Release Notes

2008-07-18 -- The Hack Tahoe! contest is now in progress!

2008-07-10 -- Justin Boreta helped me make this web page look much better. Thanks, Justin! --Zooko

2008-06-11 -- Tahoe, the Least-Authority Filesystem v1.1 released!

This release fixes several serious issues in Tahoe v1.0, and improves the user interfaces. Please see the Release Notes.

2008-04-30 -- in the news

Tahoe is reviewed by the weekly programmer magazine

2008-03-14 -- Tahoe presented at PyCon

PyCon2008: paper and slides

2007-08-17 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.5 is released.

release announcement and discussion

2007-06-29 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.4 is released.

release announcment and discussion

2007-06-11 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.3 is released.

release announcement and discussion

2007-02-02 -- Allmydata Tahoe v0.2 is released.

release announcement and discussion

Old Buzz

2008-08-24 -- Here is an interactive illustration showing how Tahoe works, thanks to Drew Perttula.

2008-09-10 -- Thanks for the memory

2008-09-04 -- powers online storage for Dell ‘netbook’

2008-08-31 -- Carbonite CEO: Online Backups Sell

2008-05-02 -- Mozy Delivers Solid Online Backup comparison to Mozy

(more news ...)