Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of PatchReviewProcess

2011-12-17T01:38:50Z (13 years ago)

update links and formatting


  • PatchReviewProcess

    v17 v18  
    2020Here is the overall process for patch review.  For technical tips, see below.
    22  1. Go to .  Click on "[ View Tickets]".  Click on "[query:keywords~=review-needed&status=!closed&group=milestone review-needed]".
     22 1. Go to .  Click on "[wiki:ViewTickets View Tickets]".  Click on "[query:keywords~=review-needed&status=!closed&group=milestone review-needed]".
    2323 2. You can read everything without registering, but to add comments or change tickets you have to be logged in.  Registering is easy -- click the "Register" link at the top right of the page.
    2424 3. Read tickets until you find one that you can review.
    2727  a. If you can't understand the patch after spending some time on it, then say so in a comment on the ticket!  This might mean that we need to add documentation or comments or to refactor the code.  On the other hand, it might just be that you don't have enough context to understand the code.  That's okay too, so go ahead and speak up.
    2828  b. Check whether every feature or bugfix in the patch has an accompanying test in the patch.
    29   c. If you find errors or omissions in the docs, tests, code or comments then write that down in the ticket, remove the "review-needed" keyword from the keywords, and assign the ticket to someone other than yourself.  (Assign it to the original author of the patch, or someone who seems likely to fix the patch, or "nobody".)
    30   d. If you understand the patch and find no errors or omissions then write a comment on the ticket saying that you reviewed it, remove the keyword "review-needed", add the keyword "reviewed" and assign it to someone with repository write access (currently 'zooko', 'warner' and 'davidsarah'). We'll commit it to trunk.
     29  c. If you find errors or omissions in the docs, tests, code or comments then write that down in the ticket, remove the {{{review-needed}}} keyword from the keywords, and assign the ticket to someone other than yourself.  (Assign it to the original author of the patch, or someone who seems likely to fix the patch, or "nobody".)
     30  d. If you understand the patch and find no errors or omissions then write a comment on the ticket saying that you reviewed it, remove the keyword {{{review-needed}}}, add the keyword {{{reviewed}}} and assign it to someone with repository write access (currently 'zooko', 'warner', 'davidsarah', and 'kevan'). We'll commit it to trunk.
    3131  e. Feel good about yourself.  Thank you for helping with our little project attempting to improve the world!
    4949For the #1149 ticket, for example, there are two links for the attachment named "test-for-webopen.darcs.patch":
    51  * The link with a name points here:
    52  * The link with a download icon, here:
     51 * The link with a name points here:
     52 * The link with a download icon, here:
    5454The latter can be used to apply a patch, like this example shows:
    57 $ wget ''
     57$ wget ''
    5858--2011-07-31 20:23:39--
    5959Connecting to connected.