Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of RelatedProjects

2008-03-20T15:38:46Z (17 years ago)

add some related projects


  • RelatedProjects

    v5 v6  
    77 * [ cleversafe] is a company that makes a distributed data storage grid; some of the company's projects are released under the GNU General Public Licence v2
    9  * [ fluidinfo] is a stealth-mode startup that is apparently doing something creative in the realm of distributed storage.  The founder, Terry Jones, is or was a researcher in the field of artificial life and genetic algorithms.  Here's [ his PhD thesis].  fluidinfo hasn't released any source code.
    11  * [ mogilefs] is an open source decentralized data storage grid in which files are replicated to a number of storage servers.  It is written in Perl and uses MySQL.  It was written by the folks who made [ LiveJournal].  The name is an anagram for "OMG files".
    139 * [ GNUnet] is an anonymous, censorship-resistant, file-sharing network.
    15  * [ Hadoop] is inspired by the Google File System and mapreduce, is supported by Yahoo, and seems to have broad acceptance among programmers.
     11 * [ Hadoop] is open source, inspired by the Google File System, written in Java, supported by Yahoo, and seems to have broad acceptance among programmers (at least compared to the alternatives).
     13 * [ mogilefs] is open source, inspired by the Google File System, written in Perl and uses MySQL.  It was written by the folks who made [ LiveJournal].  The name is an anagram for "OMG files".
     15 * [ Kosmos Distributed File System] is open source, inspired by the Google File System, written in C++, and recently announced some sort of compatibility with Hadoop.
     17= Interesting Vaporware =
     19 * [ fluidinfo] is a stealth-mode startup that is apparently doing something creative in the realm of distributed storage.  The founder, Terry Jones, is or was a researcher in the field of artificial life and genetic algorithms.  Here's [ his PhD thesis].  He also contributes to the Twisted Python project.  fluidinfo hasn't released any source code.