Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of UseCases

2008-03-13T04:31:12Z (16 years ago)

updates to UseCases


  • UseCases

    v11 v12  
    1212||''global grid''||any||many||mixed||mixed||high||
    14  * ''friendnet'': A group of friends want to share backup and files.
    15  * ''proprietary grid -- 1x upload'': A sysadmin, or Allmydata Inc. wants to backup data onto a set of servers.  The data is uploaded to the servers over a streaming protocol such as HTTP (using the Web API).
    16  * ''proprietary grid -- p2p upload'': A sysadmin, or Allmydata Inc. wants to backup data onto a set of servers.  The data is uploaded to the servers over the Tahoe distributed upload protocol.
    17  * ''hivecache'': A sysadmin wants to backup data onto hundreds of employee workstations.
     14 * ''friendnet'': You and your friends share a virtual filesystem.  It remains accessible even when some of your friends' computers are unreachable.  Your friends can't see your files by default, but you can share individual files and directories with individual friends or with all friends.
     15 * ''proprietary grid -- 1x upload'': Pay $5/month and you can store your stuff on their grid.  Or: run your own grid by buying a few servers, so that you can backup your own stuff on it.  The data is uploaded to the servers over a streaming protocol such as HTTP (using the Web API).
     16 * ''hivecache'': Install a tahoe node on each of the workstations in your office, turning their unused disk space into a giant storage pool.
    1817 * ''Allmydata plus customers'': Allmydata, Inc. and its customers share a storage grid including the customer's computers.
    1918 * ''global grid'': A large, diverse ecosystem of people and organizations who want a storage grid with extremely high reliability and availability.