
Version 5 (modified by zooko, at 2007-07-15T21:47:30Z) (diff)


There are several ways that people might want to use Tahoe. We're not necessarily committed to providing all of these use cases -- these are just possibilities.

Use Cases

namenumber of nodesadministrative domainsnode capacitynode availabilitychurn
friendnet2-10many domains, but all trustedmixedmixedlow
proprietary grid2-30one domainuniformhighlow
hivecache10-1000one domain, but not as well controlledsomewhat uniformhighlow
Allmydata plus customers10-10,000manymixedmixedmedium
global gridanymanymixedmixedhigh
  • friendnet: a group of friends who want to share backup and file-sharing
  • proprietary grid: a sysadmin, or Allmydata Inc. wants to backup data onto a set of servers
  • hivecache: a sysadmin wants to backup data onto hundreds of employee workstations
  • Allmydata plus customers: Allmydata, Inc. and its customers operating a storage grid including the customer's computers
  • global grid: a large, diverse ecosystem of people and organizations who want a storage grid with extremely high reliability and availability