
Version 26 (modified by zooko, at 2009-07-19T22:22:22Z) (diff)

location location location


The introducer's furl is:


The IP address is statically assigned, but has changed in the past; the domain name "" is included in the furl for future robustness.

You can see this introducer's wui at . It is currently running Tahoe-LAFS v1.4.1-r3982. Note that nooxie is not currently offering a storage server, only an introducer, and a client at .

nooxie is located in a co-lo in San Francisco. I'll let you know once I figure out how to add nooxie's location to . Nooxie is an athlon64 server running release "NCP1" of Nexenta GNU/OpenSolaris ( ). It has two identical SATA drives of about 33 GB capacity each in a ZFS RAID-Z mirror, at the time of this writing about 5 GB free. Its uptime is (on 2009-07-11), 72 days, which is when we upgraded it to Nexenta NCP1 final from an early beta release of Nexenta NCP1. uname -a says:

SunOS nooxie 5.11 NexentaOS_20080312 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

Common convergence file

The file private/convergence contains a secret key, which is used for creating file hashes. Please set it to an empty string (file-length should be 0 byte). This means that the same file doesn't have to be uploaded twice when uploaded by different persons, as the file hash will stay the same if both file and convergence is the same. Please refer to docs/configuration for more information about the security trade-offs this brings.

storage servers

(It would be best if this information can somehow be tracked together with the map suggested in ticket #642.).

Name Admin contact Location Notes/Status?
aogail-volunteergrid @ allmydata (at) Tigard, OR, USA
yukyuk (Zooko's amd64 linux workstation) IRC: zooko / zooko(at) Boulder, CO, USA workstation -- DSL line (896 Kbps up according to Qwest, 686 Kbps up according to
ootles (Zooko's Macbook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo laptop) IRC: zooko / zooko(at) Boulder, CO, USA laptop (when it is at home, same DSL line as yukyuk)
draco (Zooko's Mac/PPC 867 MHz laptop) IRC: zooko / zooko(at) Valhalla dead until further notice
francois1(at) francois(at) Lausanne, Switzerland
trelbox IRC: terrell/trel1023 Chapel Hill, NC, USA iMac on cable modem (359 kbps up via
ndurdner IRC: ndurner ??
SECORP_DOT_NET_<01-04> IRC: secorp ?? read-only
stockrt-terra ?? ??
trid<0,1> david(at) soultcer Austria david(at) soultcer France Read-only, rarely online, useful as helper or web gateway when online.
kpreid@slimy USA
kpreid@eider USA Typically behind NAT, expect connection failures for now

mystery storage servers

The following appear in the introducer's list (on 2009-07-11) but have not been listed by their owners in storage servers above:

Nickname PeerID Connected? since First Announced Version gapnio7pehmn7qiibaavkqfpkhp36be2 Yes: to 14:41:04 11-Jul-2009 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 0
warner@cookies tkl7xc45zqqz7ss2pc62epksxd7emb3m No 14:59:40 11-Jul-2009 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 0
civodul 4up6nzffykkpimufzil2e77heuasarvd No 14:59:40 11-Jul-2009 14:41:03 11-Jul-2009 0


As the grid is meant to be stable, I think we should work out some rules regarding the usage, to prevent obsessive space usage by users who don't contribute, servers going offline with no warning (Tahoe is resistant against that, but what happens if multiple servers, maybe from the same admin, go away?), incompatible upgrades creating data loss (what happens when Tahoe 1.4 introduces a new storage format, rendering all the already stored chunks unusable), ...

Zooko says: My request is: if you destroy data (by accident or decision), please let me know! Either send e-mail or post to this page. I can already announce that I have destroyed some data: draco is inoperative. Well, maybe the data is still there on the hard disk and will come back someday when I get a paycheck and can pay a repairman to repair draco.

If your storage server is behind firewall/NAT, please configure your firewall/NAT to forward a TCP port and edit your tahoe.cfg to set tub.port and tub.location as explained in the docs/configuration.txt file.

Per ticket #642, please inform Jan-Benedict Glaw of your (approximate) latitude and longitude and that of your servers. The more privacy you want about your location, then the more approximate of a location that you can report. If you want so much privacy that you're not comfortable specifying even your continent, then don't bother specifying a location. ;-)