[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #1170: new-downloader performs badly when downloading a lot of data from a file

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Fri Aug 20 21:59:18 UTC 2010

#1170: new-downloader performs badly when downloading a lot of data from a file
     Reporter:  zooko         |       Owner:                                           
         Type:  defect        |      Status:  new                                      
     Priority:  critical      |   Milestone:  1.8.0                                    
    Component:  code-network  |     Version:  1.8β                                     
   Resolution:                |    Keywords:  immutable download performance regression
Launchpad Bug:                |  

Comment (by warner):

 I did a quick test at home with a {{{def msg(*args,**kwargs):pass}}} in
 {{{src/allmydata/util/log.py}}}, and didn't see a noticable change (the
 noise level was pretty high, so even if there were a 10% difference, I
 probably wouldn't have been able to spot it).

 In some other testing at work, I was unable to see a consistent
 performance difference between 171 and my comment:65 combo-patch, but the
 speed was warbling all over the place, so I don't feel that it was a very
 conclusive run. I'd patched both to only use a single server (nszi?), to
 reduce the variables.

 What I'd like to do is to run a series of tests from my home network (no
 other traffic) using my personal backupgrid server (no other traffic), to
 see how consistent the results are. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a chance to
 try that.

Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1170#comment:71>
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