[volunteergrid2-l] Cinbad-jharris going off the grid ... the sad tale

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Thu Aug 25 07:54:57 PDT 2011

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com> wrote:

> What are the thoughts of the members on this situation? I know that Cinbad
> has already violated our stated up-time policy by two orders of magnitude.

That's a tough question.

My first inclination is to say "Ah, it's fine, one flaky node isn't a big
deal"... and it's true that one flaky node isn't a big deal, especially when
we have a dozen others that are so reliable.  But if we go too far down that
road, we'll end up with VG1-type problems, where lack of maintenance and
inconsistent storage allocations makes the grid unusable at times.

Personally, I trust your judgment to make a good decision.  If you think you
can make it reliable enough to at least stay fairly close to our uptime
goals, I think that's fine.

Oh, and I want to apologize again for gratch's downtime.  In hindsight, I
really should have found a place to park it until the move was complete and
everything was set up in the new house.

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