[volunteergrid2-l] Cinbad-jharris going off the grid ... the sad tale
Brad Rupp
bradrupp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 13:42:11 PDT 2011
What exactly does "stronger restraints on my traveling freedom" mean?
If it means that you can never get there, then I would say leave it
down. If you won't be able to get there until a weekend, then maybe
that isn't so bad. Like Shawn, I trust your judgement.
On 8/25/2011 8:16 AM, Jody Harris wrote:
> So, I set up a System76 Meerkat Ion Desktop at my Mother-in-law's house
> in November as a node in the grid that existed before we started
> VolunteerGrid2. At the time, my job allowed me to be an hour from
> Carlsbad to easily visit the physical location in a worst-case hardware
> failure.
> Two weeks ago the hard drive failed, but three weeks ago, I started a
> new job which puts me much further out of pocket and with much stronger
> restraints on my traveling freedom during the week.
> I'm going to be talking to System76 about a replacement drive or picking
> one up locally this week, but I hesitate to put "Cinbad" back on the
> grid without bringing it up on the list for discussion.
> What are the thoughts of the members on this situation? I know that
> Cinbad has already violated our stated up-time policy by two orders of
> magnitude.
> jody
> ----
> - Think carefully.
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