[volunteergrid2-l] Co-location

Billy Earney billy.earney at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 13:35:15 PST 2011

I feel that it depends on the number of nodes in the grid.  At the current
size, its probably not a good idea to have nodes real close to each other.
 But on the other hand, with the current size of the grid, I'd rather take
the risk associated with nodes being close together than having the risk
associated with fewer nodes..   I know that doesn't answer your question of
minimum distance.

Hopefully tahoe-lafs will implement some of the features that are being
discussed to address these kinds of issues.  If they do, then shares will be
distributed in a way that factors these issues in.  Then if both nodes go
down, the impact is reduced.

I'm in favor of a neighbor joining the grid. :)

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Brad Rupp <bradrupp at gmail.com> wrote:

> The policies for VG2 state that we should not co-locate multiple nodes,
> which is understandable.  I'm curious how close everyone feels is too close.
>  If I can get a neighbor to host a node and he is a street away (maybe 200
> yards), is that too close?  What about a mile or two away?
> Obviously if my house burns down, nodes in these two scenarios would be
> fine.  But a regional event would take all of these nodes out.
> What is the minimum desirable distance between any two nodes in the grid?
> Brad
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