[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 09:01:03 PST 2011

Should the helper node be created as a client (create-client) or a 
regular node?  Does it matter?

On 03/01/2011 09:00 AM, Shawn Willden wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Steve Dodson <steve.dodson at gmail.com
> <mailto:steve.dodson at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     It is my understanding that, without a helper, you are uploading
>     multiple copies of each file.
> More precisely, you're uploading shares which have a total size of
> N/K*S, where N and K are the encoding parameters and S is your file size.
>       Which leads to my next question; has anyone successfully
>     configured a helper, and if so, what guide did you use?  Tahoe
>     documentation is a bit lacking IMHO...
> Jody gave you a link to the right doc.  But the short form is:
> 1.  Edit tahoe.cfg and set "enabled=true" in the helper section, then
> restart.  Your node is now a helper.
> 2.  Get the helper FURL from the file .tahoe/private/helper.furl and
> publish it to interested parties.
> --
> Shawn


soli Deo gloria

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