[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 14:16:49 PST 2011

I've created a helper node (as a normal node; client nodes remain a 
mystery) on a new server, but I have yet to start the service.  I intend 
to use this new server as a helper *only*; that is, I don't wish to 
carve out 500GB of space for others to use.  I know that I will still 
need some space available on this server for helper activities, but the 
docs make no mention of the reserved_space and readonly parameters in 
the config file.  From the docs:

"The Helper buffers ciphertext on disk, so the host will need at least 
as much free disk space as there will be simultaneous uploads."

If I were to cron an overnight upload of, say, 1GB - and if I were the 
only user of the helper, I would presume setting the reserved_space 
variable to 5GB would be safe; but is this param even used by the 
helper?  If I set the readonly param to true, will this still allow the 
helper to function while disabling normal shares from other users who 
can see the node?  In other words, how do I keep others on the grid from 
uploading shares to my helper node?  Also, does anyone know if the 
ciphertexts stored on disk by the helper are erased after the file has 
been fully distributed to the grid - or is there some sort of cleanup 
routine that needs to be scheduled?

On 03/01/2011 10:01 AM, Steve Dodson wrote:
> Should the helper node be created as a client (create-client) or a
> regular node? Does it matter?
> On 03/01/2011 09:00 AM, Shawn Willden wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Steve Dodson <steve.dodson at gmail.com
>> <mailto:steve.dodson at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> It is my understanding that, without a helper, you are uploading
>> multiple copies of each file.
>> More precisely, you're uploading shares which have a total size of
>> N/K*S, where N and K are the encoding parameters and S is your file size.
>> Which leads to my next question; has anyone successfully
>> configured a helper, and if so, what guide did you use? Tahoe
>> documentation is a bit lacking IMHO...
>> Jody gave you a link to the right doc. But the short form is:
>> 1. Edit tahoe.cfg and set "enabled=true" in the helper section, then
>> restart. Your node is now a helper.
>> 2. Get the helper FURL from the file .tahoe/private/helper.furl and
>> publish it to interested parties.
>> --
>> Shawn


soli Deo gloria

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