[volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid

Billy Earney billy.earney at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 06:35:16 PST 2011

I did some research and found a really cool tool called iftop, which is
similar to the regular top program, but shows the bandwidth per ip address..
This could be helpful in diagnosing slow nodes.  (its text based, which is
updated every 2 seconds, so in some ways it's a little hard to read, but its
still useful..)


What I found out was that ip address (jharris), never gets
over ~3KBps, which seems to be the bottleneck.  Zooko said that the slowest
server would determine how fast files get uploaded.  I guess the next file
upload can't start until the last node is finished receiving its segments.
Over about a 10 minute time period, this bandwidth for node
was constant.   


Jody, could you look into this..  I'm not 100% that the slow upload speeds
are because of your node, but if you could look into this, I'd be grateful..




From: Billy Earney [mailto:billy.earney at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 7:28 PM
To: a small group of people sharing storage resources with Tahoe-LAFS
Cc: Shawn Willden
Subject: Re: [volunteergrid2-l] adding files to the grid


I'm currently running version 1.8.1, so I'll upgrade and see if that helps..
I don't think Steve has published the helper furl..  (is it on the wiki?)


my node maybe down a few minutes while I upgrade (and reboot the server,
since OS files have been updated as well)..  shouldn't be down for more than
5 minutes.. :)

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Billy Earney <billy.earney at gmail.com> wrote:

9am this morning is the last time I saw your server..  My process is
currently loading larger files (a few hundred MB per file) and at 50kbps,
its taking a few hours per file.   I'm guessing in the next hour, another
file will be uploaded and I can see if your server participates in the


Have you configured your node to know about Steve's helper, and restarted
your node?  Until you do, it won't begin using the helper.



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