Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 121)

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Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information ludo@…, zooko, kyle@… new daira defect critical
#1670 KeyError in mutable read-modify-write vikarti@…, zooko assigned zooko defect critical
#169 tcp hole-punching!…, vladimir@…, amontero@… new ghazel enhancement major
#172 put sparklines on front page terrellrussell@… new somebody enhancement major
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) arch_o_median, drewp@… new zooko enhancement major
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs tahoe-dev@… assigned zooko enhancement major
#316 add caching to tahoe proper? vladimir@… new somebody enhancement major
#320 add streaming (on-line) upload to HTTP interface jeremy@…, nejucomo@… assigned zooko enhancement major
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects kpreid@… new defect major
#327 performance measurement of directories warner assigned zooko enhancement major
#371 corrupted introducer.furl causes subtle startup breakage zancas new defect major
#445 implement relay: allow storage servers behind NAT vladimir@… new somebody enhancement major
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads ussjoin@…, leif@…, matt@… new leif enhancement major
#543 repair/rebalancing service…, vladimir@… new enhancement major
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data freestorm77@… assigned rvs enhancement major
#587 Web nodes provide ambient upload authority vikarti@… new daira defect major
#604 one-shot distributed revocable forwarding slots tahoe-dev@… new enhancement major
#610 upload should take better advantage of existing shares tahoe-dev@…,… new kevan enhancement major
#613 sometimes a helper hurts instead of helping (if you need to upload less than K shares)… new enhancement major
#614 redefine "Healthy" to be "Happy" for checker/verifier/repairer amontero@…, cl@… new markberger defect major
#625 Can't repair read-only dirnodes/mutable-files francois@… assigned warner defect major
#632 "tahoe backup --prefix": override pathname root for snapshots tahoe-dev@… new enhancement major
#643 Automatically schedule repair process (and backups?) mahmoud.morshedy@…, tahoe-dev@… new somebody enhancement major
#658 "tahoe cp" should avoid full upload/download when the destination already exists (using backupdb and/or plaintext hashes)… new enhancement major
#662 add an option for "tahoe manifest" to not skip duplicates, or a --recursive option to "tahoe ls" kyle@… new enhancement major
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) frederik.braun+tahoe@… new markberger defect major
#682 FTP frontend should support Unicode filenames encoded as UTF-8 amontero@… assigned francois defect major
#699 rebalance during repair or upload… assigned davidsarah defect major
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. zancas assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#782 connection lost during "tahoe backup" andrej@… new andrej defect major
#793 using removable disk as a storage backend amontero@… new enhancement major
#796 write-only caps… new enhancement major
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa kpreid, amontero new enhancement major
#864 Automated migration of shares between storage servers kpreid, amontero@… new enhancement major
#905 gather information about historical server performance… new enhancement major
#935 zandr's FUSE/NAS idea amontero@… new enhancement major
#980 handle SIGHUP by reloading your config file zancas new warner defect major
#1023 Cloud App: Music player josiplisec@… new davidsarah task major
#1024 introductory docs are confusing and off-putting glyph@… assigned blaisep defect major
#1029 download a subtree as an archive… new enhancement major
#1044 short-circuit checker/verifier behavior kevan new defect major
#1107 "sneakernet" servers amontero@… new enhancement major
#1110 pipeline download blocks for better performance… new nobody enhancement major
#1122 failure in allmydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_client: 'does not look like a running node directory' zancas new drewp defect major
#1124 upload is unhappy even though the shares are already distributed mjberger@…,… new defect major
#1164 use ChaCha⊕AES encryption dragonxue, jack.lloyd, randombit new somebody enhancement major
#1169 update documentation for the download status page warner, zooko new warner defect major
#1187 mitigate the performance bottleneck of slow servers in download… new defect major
#1199 document known scaling issues francois@… new warner enhancement major
#1215 add CORS support zooko, vikarti@… new enhancement major
#1265 New Visualizer is insufficiently labelled/documented (plus layout problem) drewp@…, zooko assigned zooko defect major
#1290 replace all use of pickles with JSON zancas new somebody defect major
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config kpreid, vladimir@… new nobody enhancement major
#1325 make `tahoe backup` keep more filesystem metadata amontero@… new nobody enhancement major
#1331 --verify option for `tahoe backup` amontero@… new nobody defect major
#1338 reduce CLI startup overhead by importing less… assigned daira defect major
#1353 make the FUSE interface be a supported, first-class feature vladimir@… new somebody enhancement major
#1361 revive the Windows Virtual Drive using open source filesystem library tahoe-dev@… new enhancement major
#1448 Storage node discovery via avahi warner new alexs enhancement major
#1462 add legend to Recent Uploads and Downloads page, explain LIT warner new T_X defect major
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file kevan, warner assigned davidsarah defect major
#1497 update docs/performance.rst to explain the performance of MDMFs kevan, warner, zooko new defect major
#1596 more specific error message for the case where too few servers are connected drewp@… new somebody defect major
#1653 mutable-retrieve should accept good shares from servers with bad shares kevan new defect major
#1659 setuptools/easy_install/pip-installed package lacks documentation zooko, nejucomo@… new nejucomo defect major
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. warner new task major
#1791 UploadUnhappinessError with available storage nodes > shares.happy zooko, vladimir@… new gyver defect major
#1859 Proof-of-concept attack: Upload and execute attacker controlled js from any domain. frederik.braun+tahoe@… new davidsarah defect major
#1939 memory leak (during check --repair --add-lease) killyourtv@… new killyourtv defect major
#2055 Building tahoe safely is non-trivial killyourtv@… new daira defect major
#50 ask a peer to tell you what your IP address is (similar to STUNT/ICE) vladimir@…,… new enhancement normal
#170 package Tahoe-LAFS for Fedora vladimir@… new ruben enhancement normal
#451 webdav frontend…, amontero@… new enhancement normal
#641 tahoe backup should be able to backup symlinks alberto@…, jg71@… new defect normal
#1153 need tests for create-{client, node} with default nodedir zancas assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1280 deal with fragile, but disposable, bucket state files zancas new daira defect normal
#1657 Sneakernet grid scenario alsuren, mmoya@… new nobody enhancement normal
#1755 2-phase commit zooko, warner new daira enhancement normal
#1799 Document how to distinguish exceptions from JSON, or encode exceptions as JSON darrob new defect normal
#1814 UploadUnhappinessError despite no apparent refusal of shares kevan new defect normal
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that warner assigned blaisep defect normal
#1821 show full, explorable details about check and repair operations frederik.braun+tahoe@… new enhancement normal
#1835 stop grovelling the whole storage backend looking for externally-added shares to add a lease to… new enhancement normal
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst amontero@… assigned blaisep defect normal
#1893 don't do lease-renewal automatically warner new enhancement normal
#1894 add --interactive and --no-clobber options to 'tahoe cp' frederik.braun+tahoe@… new defect normal
#1912 show miniature live view of recent activity right on the front page zooko, drewp@… new drewp enhancement normal
#1928 web redirects should use relative URLs… assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1952 rename "tahoe backup" to "tahoe snapshot"… new enhancement normal
#2018 padding to hide the size of plaintexts nejucomo@…, me+tahoetrac@… new nejucomo enhancement normal
#2045 Make the paths of the different folders configurable amontero@…, leif@… new leif enhancement normal
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts nrbray assigned daira defect normal
#2100 passphrase-encrypt the aliases file dawuud new daira enhancement normal
#2107 don't place shares on servers that already have shares sickness, markberger, amontero@…, warner new enhancement normal
#2108 uploader should keep trying other servers if its initially-chosen servers fail during the "scan" phase markberger new daira defect normal
#2109 tahoe deep-check raises MustForceRepairError PRabahy new defect normal
#2143 Adding aliases to the WUI amontero@… new daira enhancement normal
#2205 "--help" text confuses dircaps with aliases CyberAxe new CyberAxe defect normal
#2332 ls -l doesn't show size of mutable files when listing directories zl29ah@… new defect normal
#2383 CLI option to automatically start and stop a node… reopened enhancement normal
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