Custom Query (76 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Component Status Owner Priority
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS security integrity confidentiality pyopenssl heartbleed docs documentation assigned blaisep critical
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects kpreid docs standards test http code-frontend-web new major
#366 address Nathan Wilcox's concerns about "Tahoe and the browser security model" security capleak docs websec code-frontend-web assigned blaisep major
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes usability easy docs code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah major
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data version json docs easy forward-compatibility code-frontend-web assigned rvs major
#614 redefine "Healthy" to be "Happy" for checker/verifier/repairer upload repair verify preservation performance docs unfinished-business servers-of-happiness code-encoding new markberger major
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) usability statistics sftp docs code-nodeadmin new markberger major
#720 Changing web server address breaks CLI docs wapi code-frontend-cli new major
#787 Refine use case documentation for non-technical audiences. use-case evangelism docs documentation new nejucomo major
#826 Rename action in WUI has no confirmation for clobbering another entry usability docs code-frontend-web new major
#827 Put file download links ('?save=true') in WUI directory listings security usability capleak docs download easy code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah major
#865 Document current crypto and encoding in detail docs security documentation new ioerror major
#869 Allow Tahoe filesystem to be run over a different key-value-store / DHT implementation scalability performance forward-compatibility backward-compatibility availability newcaps docs anti-censorship code-network new nobody major
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) security integrity confidentiality privacy windows foolscap twisted docs code-network assigned davidsarah major
#897 "tahoe backup" thinks "ctime" means "creation time" forward-compatibility docs tahoe-backup time code-frontend-cli new warner major
#966 document munin plugins and make them discoverable easy docs statistics documentation assigned blaisep major
#1003 add-lease may fail to mark a node if the path by which it is reachable changes during marking leases gc preservation usability docs code new somebody major
#1024 introductory docs are confusing and off-putting docs install packaging website tahoe-run documentation assigned blaisep major
#1029 download a subtree as an archive usability docs test performance unicode i18n code-frontend-web new major
#1046 add note to performance.txt about expected memory usage docs memory performance documentation new nobody major
#1049 gvfs-fuse doesn't work (completely) with the sftp interface sftp gvfs fuse docs code-frontend-ftp-sftp new davidsarah major
#1059 sshfs does not wait for an FX_CLOSE request to complete before reporting success from the close sftp sshfs preservation docs code-frontend-ftp-sftp new major
#1082 default servers-of-happiness=7 prevents single-server use case from working "out of the box" defaults docs unfinished-business servers-of-happiness upload zookos-opinion-needed warners-opinion-needed documentation new somebody major
#1105 allow uncoordinated reads concurrent with writes of a mutable file or directory locally docs fuse sftp integrity reliability code-mutable new major
#1189 investigate best FUSE+sshfs options to use for performance and correctness of SFTP via sshfs sftp sshfs performance docs code-frontend-ftp-sftp new bj0 major
#1283 support running as a service on Windows windows service docs multiuser-gateway code-nodeadmin new major
#1343 how does a packager find version requirements for indirect dependencies? docs packaging new somebody major
#1353 make the FUSE interface be a supported, first-class feature fuse docs pyfilesystem dokan documentation new somebody major
#1374 "walk through" or guide for people who want to read some code docs documentation new nobody major
#1439 add docs/tests.rst documenting how to run tests and how to interpret the output docs test documentation new somebody major
#1462 add legend to Recent Uploads and Downloads page, explain LIT upload download usability statistics wui easy docs code-frontend-web new T_X major
#1497 update docs/performance.rst to explain the performance of MDMFs docs performance code-mutable new major
#1513 memory usage in MDMF publish mutable mdmf memory-leak performance docs code-mutable new major
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. docs security webapi introducer accounting status websec multiuser-gateway code-frontend-web new major
#1375 the performance stats for each upload or download are undiscoverable usability docs easy performance ostrom upload download statistics wui code-frontend-web new tarcieri normal
#1522 our use of the term "bucket" is ambiguous terminology docs cruft documentation new somebody normal
#1563 webapi.rst should have a Change Log section docs webapi documentation new somebody normal
#1578 test suite fails on Windows if run from directory with a long name windows test docs code new daira normal
#1663 Add a concise table of the URL tree to webapi.rst. webapi docs documentation assigned marlowe normal
#1715 change all docs and generated URLs to point to "/cap" instead of "/uri" docs cruft backward-compatibility documentation assigned davidsarah normal
#1723 tahoe backup --help (for example) implies that you have to use aliases usability backup cli docs code-frontend-cli new zancas normal
#1727 New Visualizer has layout bug where serverids and other things scribble over each other usability wui download docs visualizer aesthetics code-frontend-web new warner normal
#1728 add link to docs/frontends/download-status.rst from the download status page download usability docs wui easy code-frontend-web assigned Lcstyle normal
#1799 Document how to distinguish exceptions from JSON, or encode exceptions as JSON json usability docs code-frontend-web new normal
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that logging twisted foolscap docs code assigned blaisep normal
#1879 Glossary document glossary docs usability terminology documentation assigned blaisep normal
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst configuration docs symlink storage documentation assigned blaisep normal
#1903 deprecate one of the synonyms "/file/" and "/named/" from the WAPI usability wui wapi docs forward-compatibility code-frontend-web reopened zooko normal
#1905 add diagram of current tahoe-lafs protocol docs immutable mutable crypto documentation assigned davidsarah normal
#1929 express documentation for web-API operations in terms of "rooted paths" docs webapi easy documentation assigned marlowe normal
#1952 rename "tahoe backup" to "tahoe snapshot" tahoe-backup usability docs code-frontend-cli new normal
#2031 Optionally serve ./docs from the web gateway. docs code-frontend-web new normal
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts new-user docs sftp config usability documentation assigned daira normal
#2127 Disambiguate "client" and "gateway" occurrences in Tahoe-LAFS docs docs documentation assigned blaisep normal
#2138 file formatting conventions for text files in our source repo docs standards charset utf-8 bom code new blaisep normal
#2142 How to enhance WebUI default security against capability eavesdropping? websec confidentiality privacy wui webapi docs code-frontend-web new amontero normal
#2226 add doc about literal caps in performance.rst docs performance lit documentation assigned blaisep normal
#2228 add directory operations to performance.rst docs performance directories documentation assigned marlowe normal
#2238 add simpler documentation for a single server use-case LeastAuthority docs documentation new blaisep normal
#2257 issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto video at 0:08 Ubuntu how to video docs packaging documentation assigned blaisep normal
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage video windows howto docs documentation new JGillispie normal
#2345 Increase Public Awareness of Tahoe-LAFS usability docs documentation new nobody normal
#2419 add documentation for use of Tahoe with Docker docs docker packaging documentation assigned blaisep normal
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs documentation assigned daira normal
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` tahoe-backup docs code-frontend-cli new normal
#306 Clean up code terminology: "SSK" vs "slot", etc mutable newcaps docs code new somebody minor
#879 Random-access download leaks information privacy docs documentation new somebody minor
#903 webapi t=mkdir-with-children and mkdir-immutable: behavior when directory already exists? usability docs code-frontend-web new minor
#907 Stop caps from leaking to phishing-filter servers capleak integrity confidentiality forward-compatibility newurls docs websec code-frontend-web assigned davidsarah minor
#920 mkdir-immutable probably shouldn't implicitly create (mutable) intermediate directories docs usability code-frontend-web new minor
#970 webapi PUT via multiple nodes can cause directory corruption but does not report UncoordinatedWriteError error usability ucwe docs code-frontend-web new nobody minor
#1468 mutable.rst and mut.svg contain some dated or confusing terminology and use different names docs mutable documentation assigned blaisep minor
#1782 move docs/proposed to the wiki docs documentation assigned blaisep minor
#1840 CLI: don't allow creating single-letter aliases on Windows aliases windows cli usability docs easy code-frontend-cli assigned davidsarah minor
#2012 Translate accounting-overview.txt to rst format. docs accounting leases documentation new marlowe minor
#2301 The term "filesystem" is too overloaded. docs names naming documentation assigned blaisep minor
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