Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1674 os.path.expanduser (and therefore abspath_expanduser_unicode) fails on Windows if username or home directory contains non-ASCII characters defect major 1.9.1 fixed
#2417 HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables may not be set on Windows 7+ daira defect major 1.10.0 fixed
#1146 replace hardcoded 'allmydata-tahoe' with allmydata.__appname__ somebody defect normal 1.7.1 fixed
#1489 'tahoe run' should not redirect stdout/stderr Lcstyle defect normal 1.8.2 fixed
#1698 the preferred cmdline to run tests under coverage is pretty huge, and comes in two flavors due to Debian renaming of the script warner defect normal 1.9.1 fixed
#1707 iputil cannot get local IP addresses on newer Dragonfly BSD (sys.platform == "dragonfly2") davidsarah defect normal 1.9.1 fixed
#1817 test_storage crawler tests can wedge the test machine for certain bugs in code-under-test davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2 fixed
#1953 include git branch name in the --version[-and-path] output daira defect normal 1.10a2 fixed
#2048 allmydata.test.test_cli.Cp.test_copy_using_filecap is really slow due to a test bug daira defect normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2106 RAIC behaviour different from RAID behaviour defect normal 1.10.0 duplicate
#2121 test_system.SystemTest.test_filesystem fails on OSX 10.9 daira defect normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2165 use bigger random one-time keys, rename to "timing_safe_compare" daira enhancement normal 1.10.0 fixed
#2287 Bad file descriptor error in buildslave daira defect normal 1.10.0 duplicate
#1807 cleanup: HUMAN_RE regexes in are never used daira defect minor 1.9.2 fixed
#2245 fix current pyflakes warnings Brian Warner <warner@…> defect minor 1.10.0 fixed
#2312 DeprecationWarning about passing non-bytes header values warner defect minor 1.10.0 fixed
#2433 dead code: NamedTemporaryDirectory daira defect minor 1.10.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.