Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#636 Add missing descriptions and synopsis davidsarah defect minor 1.3.0 fixed
#695 error message could be more helpful re: CLI rm confused by URL:DIR in at least two cases davidsarah defect major 1.4.1 duplicate
#776 users are confused by "tahoe rm" davidsarah defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#1149 scripts/ is not tested davidsarah defect major 1.7.1 fixed
#1292 'tahoe rm' without a path gives an AssertionError with no explanation warner defect major 1.8.1 fixed
#1304 'tahoe cp' copying to a mutable file should replace the contents kevan defect major 1.8.1 fixed
#1359 tahoe cp --help gives incorrect placement of [options], and [options] is missing in other synopses davidsarah defect minor 1.8.2 fixed
#1441 '/usr/bin/tahoe debug --help' gives incorrect information about running coverage on the installed Debian/Ubuntu Tahoe davidsarah defect minor 1.8.2 fixed
#1488 CLI: 'bin/tahoe @foo ...' gives misleading error message if trying to run foo raises an exception david-sarah@… defect major 1.8.2 fixed
#1506 mutable-type should imply mutable in tahoe put defect major 1.9.0a1 fixed
#1507 teach tahoe debug how to work with MDMF caps and shares warner defect major 1.9.0a1 fixed
#1527 CLI: make the --mutable-type option value for 'tahoe put' and 'tahoe mkdir' case-insensitive davidsarah defect minor 1.9.0a1 fixed
#1561 replace --mutable-type with --format in CLI commands Brian Warner <warner@…> defect major 1.9.0a2 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.