Custom Query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#798 improve random-access download to retrieve/decrypt less data davidsarah enhancement major 1.5.0 fixed
#1154 mplayer triggers two bugs in Tahoe's new downloader warner defect critical 1.8β fixed
#1160 viewing web-status of unfinished immutable downloads causes exception warner defect critical 1.8β fixed
#1162 immutable download progress on "Recent Uploads/Downloads" hardcoded to 10% defect critical 1.8β fixed
#1170 new-downloader performs badly when downloading a lot of data from a file defect critical 1.8β fixed
#1197 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_download.DownloadTest.test_lost_servers with NotEnoughSharesError zooko defect major 1.8β fixed
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