Custom Query (36 matches)


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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#1039 Keys with passphrases for SFTP sftp security new nobody defect minor
#1362 SFTP: should removing a non-empty directory be permitted? sftp sshfs delete new defect minor
#1410 sftp server listens on reachable IP addresses by default sftp security new defect minor
#1285 SFTP: put an approximation of grid capacity and available space in the 'df' output usability statistics sftp ostrom new defect normal
#1925 filesize is zero after upload via sshfs/sftp sftp error new cehteh defect normal
#1965 FTP/SFTP: report malformed cap at login instead of use-time ftpd sftp usability error new enhancement normal
#1976 SFTP+SSHFS hangs for second concurrent operation sftp sshfs hang reliability assigned daira defect normal
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts new-user docs sftp config usability assigned daira defect normal
#2097 deprecate FTP in favor of SFTP? ftpd sftp forward-compatibility new daira defect normal
#2213 Make SFTP generate its own key sftp ssh-keygen usability security new enhancement normal
#2359 add integration tests for SFTP public key auth tests sftp ssh new daira defect normal
#2411 check whether SFTP frontend correctly handles creating a directory that already exists sftp directory new daira defect normal
#2581 Mounting SSH does no longer work with latest 1.10.2 release, worked with 1.10.0 - regression? regression twisted ssh sftp new daira defect normal
#2704 remove _lsLine from cleanup sftp new daira defect normal
#671 bring back sizelimit (i.e. max consumed, not min free) usability statistics sftp docs new markberger defect major
#935 zandr's FUSE/NAS idea fuse smb sftp sshfs webdav cache preservation gsoc new enhancement major
#958 LAFS 301 Moved Permanently forward-compatibility backward-compatibility integrity newcaps newurls http sftp ftpd smb availability security revocation rollback research new enhancement major
#1041 Timeout error when uploading a file with some SFTP clients, e.g. WinSCP sftp winscp upload reliability timeout assigned davidsarah defect major
#1049 gvfs-fuse doesn't work (completely) with the sftp interface sftp gvfs fuse docs new davidsarah defect major
#1059 sshfs does not wait for an FX_CLOSE request to complete before reporting success from the close sftp sshfs preservation docs new defect major
#1060 tests for SFTP via GIO Python binding sftp test gvfs new defect major
#1061 SFTP directory listing doesn't show (or shows wrong mtime and size for) files that have been opened but not yet uploaded sftp metadata time test assigned davidsarah defect major
#1105 allow uncoordinated reads concurrent with writes of a mutable file or directory locally docs fuse sftp integrity reliability new defect major
#1106 review #1037 (SFTP) sftp unfinished-business assigned zooko defect major
#1189 investigate best FUSE+sshfs options to use for performance and correctness of SFTP via sshfs sftp sshfs performance docs new bj0 defect major
#1201 'rm' via sftp+sshfs may hang if previous operations on the file are "stuck" hang sftp sshfs reliability assigned davidsarah defect major
#1288 support streaming uploads in uploader streaming performance upload sftp fuse reliability newcaps new enhancement major
#1350 SFTP: clients may misparse directory listings with filenames containing unusual characters sftp names assigned davidsarah defect major
#1356 SFTP and FTP: allow logging in with an arbitrary cap URI as root directory sftp sshfs usability test-needed assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#1357 'tahoe mount' command sftp tahoe-mount assigned davidsarah defect major
#1370 SFTP: consider supporting hard link extension sftp sshfs link assigned davidsarah defect major
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion mac fuse osxfuse sftp sshfs new tarcieri task major
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file sftp performance mdmf assigned davidsarah defect major
#1697 there is no test covering password-checking for SFTP or FTP tests sftp ftpd password security assigned daira defect major
#1811 9P frontend 9p sftp pycrypto-lib new enhancement major
#943 "tahoe mv" deleted my files? tahoe-mv usability preservation sftp ftpd new daira defect critical
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