Custom Query (24 matches)


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Status: closed (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4099 Move GBS documentation out of 'proposed' folder task normal documentation n/a

Status: new (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3766 Protocol is potentially high-latency and high bandwidth overhead for small files exarkun enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3771 Possible improvements for GET /v1/immutable/:storage_index/shares (and mutable equivalent) exarkun task normal unknown n/a
#3772 add lease cancellation defect normal unknown n/a
#3778 No way to abort immutable upload exarkun task normal unknown n/a
#3780 Get rid of allmydata.immutable.layout.WriteBucketProxy enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3787 Batch sizes when uploading immutables are hardcoded task normal unknown n/a
#3803 HTTP client could change upload chunk size based on how slow upload bandwidth is enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3804 Data integrity check for uploads enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3809 Rename IStorageServer to IStorageClient task normal unknown n/a
#3857 Add retries to HTTP storage client APIs itamarst task normal unknown n/a
#3861 Support more than just CBOR in HTTP protocol task normal unknown n/a
#3884 Improved testing for HTTPS storage client logic: when server's private key doesn't match public key, and when cert is signed by well-known CA task normal unknown n/a
#3906 Make max read size in HTTP storage client configurable via tahoe.cfg task normal unknown n/a
#3908 Detect invalid HTTP storage server responses early, close request enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3911 Tor-specific routing policy for the HTTP storage client enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3957 Make HTTP no slower than Foolscap for mutable uploads and downloads enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3980 Even more end-to-end tests enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3992 When first connecting to remote storage servers over HTTP, there are two roundtrips necessary to become live enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4025 Restore test_i2p integration test enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4031 In privacy mode, only explicitly allowed TCP/UDP connections should happen defect normal unknown n/a
#4032 Default connection handlers should be an object, not a dict enhancement normal unknown n/a
#4034 On macOS Tor integration test is failing defect normal unknown n/a
#4037 Implement I2P support for the HTTP storage protocol defect normal unknown n/a
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