Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#689 web documents should be constructed out of unicode strings new enhancement minor eventually
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions assigned zooko enhancement minor eventually
#707 use local storage server as encrypted cache new nobody enhancement minor undecided
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy assigned zooko task minor undecided
#765 duplication of version and nickname-and-nodeid code in the wui new enhancement minor undecided
#813 string exception raised to web renderer? new somebody defect minor undecided
#818 Output of tahoe deep-check --repair is hard to skim new enhancement minor soon
#686 Search for lost share resulted in a directory popping up at unexpected place assigned daira defect major soon
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting new somebody defect major eventually
#699 rebalance during repair or upload assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#700 have servers publish Bloom filter of which shares they have new enhancement major undecided
#711 repair to different levels of N new enhancement major undecided
#713 tahoe make-verify-cap new enhancement major undecided
#719 Making requests too soon after startup can fail new defect major soon
#720 Changing web server address breaks CLI new defect major undecided
#723 helper: client should verify ciphertext hashes and UEB new daira defect major soon
#724 helper: client should check up on the helper's work new enhancement major undecided
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. assigned davidsarah enhancement major soon
#731 what to do with filenames that are illegal on some systems new defect major eventually
#752 speed up directories more new enhancement major undecided
#753 use longer storage index / cap for collision resistance new defect major undecided
#764 webapi/usage calls should be logged - standard reusable format (apache-style access.log) new enhancement major undecided
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#770 webapi: listen on multiple interfaces/ports new enhancement major eventually
#812 server-side crawlers: tolerate corrupted shares, verify shares new warner defect major undecided
#1198 Bogus tub location causes introducer error new defect major soon
#755 Allow deep-check to continue after error, and: if there is an unrecoverable subdirectory, the deep-check report (both WUI and CLI) loses other information new daira defect critical soon
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