Custom Query (33 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#964 show sizes in unambiguous way that doesn't get mistaken for different units zooko defect minor 1.6.0 2010-02-20T23:42:55Z

Status: new (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes task major 1.1.0 2008-06-14T17:04:03Z
#449 deletion: maintain per-account file manifest, cancel leases upon removal enhancement major 1.0.0 2008-06-03T05:18:07Z
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service enhancement major 1.1.0 2008-06-17T01:58:37Z
#599 maybe add share-metadata: "where-are-the-other-shares" hints enhancement major 1.2.0 2009-01-28T23:18:56Z
#600 storage: maybe store buckets as files, not directories warner enhancement minor 1.2.0 2009-01-28T23:39:27Z
#700 have servers publish Bloom filter of which shares they have enhancement major 1.4.1 2009-05-11T18:14:32Z
#793 using removable disk as a storage backend enhancement major 1.5.0 2009-08-22T20:20:11Z
#864 Automated migration of shares between storage servers enhancement major 1.5.0 2009-12-19T22:41:02Z
#940 display space-usage configs, space used, space available for your storage server enhancement major 1.6.0 2010-02-07T23:23:35Z
#1107 "sneakernet" servers enhancement major 1.7.0 2010-07-03T21:21:59Z
#1207 Detect RFC1918/invalid addresses somehow enhancement normal 1.8β 2010-09-23T23:36:27Z
#1831 Google Drive backend enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-10-26T03:35:15Z
#1833 storage server deletes garbage shares itself instead of waiting for crawler to notice them enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-10-30T22:39:10Z
#1835 stop grovelling the whole storage backend looking for externally-added shares to add a lease to enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-10-30T23:02:37Z
#1838 Add storage location hint to Storage Server davidsarah enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-11-01T22:58:12Z
#1851 new immutable file upload protocol: streaming, fewer round-trips, quota-respecting enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-11-09T06:53:17Z
#1893 don't do lease-renewal automatically enhancement normal 1.9.2 2012-12-11T18:45:05Z
#2002 add tahoe df command enhancement normal 1.9.2 2013-06-13T15:34:07Z
#2124 Add [storage].max_shares configuration option enhancement normal 1.10.0 2013-12-01T19:48:53Z
#2358 Allow storage nodes to publish an arbitrary text description enhancement normal 1.10.0 2015-01-02T01:23:35Z
#2796 add share-type argument to storage server protocol enhancement normal 1.11.0 2016-07-02T20:37:20Z
#579 report corrupted shares defect major 1.2.0 2009-01-12T20:02:27Z
#812 server-side crawlers: tolerate corrupted shares, verify shares warner defect major 1.4.1 2009-10-05T17:57:35Z
#1816 add a lease renewal method that only renews some shares in a shareset, to be used by repair/rebalancing warner defect normal 1.9.2 2012-09-28T01:21:48Z
#1834 stop using share crawler for anything except constructing a leasedb defect normal 1.9.2 2012-10-30T22:44:21Z
#1837 remove the "override lease duration" feature defect normal 1.9.2 2012-10-30T23:43:24Z
#1849 report maximum-immutable-share-size correctly in light of filesystem limits defect normal 1.9.2 2012-11-09T04:51:08Z
#1887 naming of expire.cutoff_date option with an underscore is inconsistent defect minor 1.9.2 2012-12-05T04:04:21Z
#1943 storage servers should report if the filesystem containing shares has been unmounted defect normal 1.9.2 2013-04-13T02:53:42Z
#2905 fail harder if we can't write announcement-seqnum defect normal 1.12.1 2018-02-21T00:28:00Z
#3498 Mutable writes don't respect `readonly` or `reserved_space` storage server settings defect normal n/a 2020-11-06T17:21:08Z
#4078 intermittant failures / race-condition on defect normal n/a 2023-11-29T23:30:16Z
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