3 | | ||= distro =||= excluded version =||= excluded version release date =||= oldest supported version =||= oldest supported release date =||= Python in oldest supported =||= notes =|| |
4 | | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=fedora Fedora] =||=10 =||=2008-11-25 =||=15 =||=2011-05-24 =||=2.7 =|| |
5 | | || [http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu Ubuntu] || 8.10 || 2008-10-30 || 10.04 LTS || 2010-04-29 || 2.6 || |
6 | | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=debian Debian] =||=5.0 =||=2009-02-15 =||=6.0 =||=2011-02-06 =||=2.6 =|| |
7 | | || [http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=freebsd FreeBSD] || 7.2 || 2009-05-04 || 7.1 || 2009-01-05 || 2.5 || but upgrading is supposed to be pretty safe within the same major series (7.x) and 7.3 (2010-03-23) has Python 2.6 || |
8 | | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=redhat RedHat] =||=5.7 =||=2011-07-21 =||=5.7 =||=2011-07-21 =||=2.4 =||=I'm told that people tend to install their own newer version of Python when they want to use newer Python programs on older RHEL =|| |
| 3 | ||= distro =||= excluded version =||= excluded version release date =||= oldest supported version =||= oldest supported release date =||= Python in oldest supported =||= notes =||= next version =||= Python in next version =|| |
| 4 | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=fedora Fedora] =||=10 =||=2008-11-25 =||=15 =||=2011-05-24 =||=2.7 =||= =||=rawhide will be 17 =||=2.7.2 =|| |
| 5 | || [http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu Ubuntu] || 8.10 || 2008-10-30 || 10.04 LTS || 2010-04-29 || 2.6 || || will be 12.04 precise ||2.7.2 || |
| 6 | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=debian Debian] =||=5.0 =||=2009-02-15 =||=6.0 =||=2011-02-06 =||=2.6 =||= =||=unstable sid will be 7.0 =||=2.7.2 =|| |
| 7 | || [http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=freebsd FreeBSD] || 7.2 || 2009-05-04 || 7.1 || 2009-01-05 || 2.5 || but upgrading is supposed to be pretty safe within the same major series (7.x) and 7.3 (2010-03-23) has Python 2.6 ||10 CURRENT ||2.7.2 || |
| 8 | ||=[http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=redhat RedHat] =||=5.7 =||=2011-07-21 =||=5.7 =||=2011-07-21 =||=2.4 =||= I'm told that people tend to install their own newer version of Python when they want to use newer Python programs on older RHEL =||=(current, not next) 6.2 =||=2.6.6 =|| |