#2040 new defect

mutable files: expose test-and-set operations to HTTP clients — at Version 1

Reported by: daira Owned by: daira
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: code-mutable Version: 1.10.0
Keywords: mutable versioning test-and-set webapi wui Cc:
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by daira)

Split from ticket:413#comment:2

  • Dirnode operations could accept a new argument which provides test-and-set semantics, perhaps "if-old-version-is=XYZ". The webapi protocol would only apply the requested changes if the "current best version" is also described as XYZ
  • The human-oriented "wui" could acquire if-old-version-is= arguments on all the buttons it provides. If the directory has been changed between the time the directory page was rendered and the time someone clicks a button, the operation would be rejected with a note encouraging the user to reload the page (and thus get the latest version).

Both mutable files and directories could have a control like this.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2013-07-27T01:32:48Z by daira

  • Component changed from unknown to code-mutable
  • Description modified (diff)
  • Keywords mutable versioning test-and-set webapi wui added
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