#268 new enhancement

implement rest of Helper — at Initial Version

Reported by: warner Owned by: warner
Priority: major Milestone: undecided
Component: code-encoding Version: 0.7.0
Keywords: upload-helper download Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


The upload-specific helper described in #116 is insufficient to achieve all the properties we're hoping for. The helper as originally envisioned in that ticket was specifically for uploading CHK files: it did not encompass downloading files (since there's no bandwidth benefit for those), nor did it include mutable files (since by our SDMF rules, these files are small and the bandwidth of them isn't too much of a burden).

To prevent the clients from making connections to all storage servers, we need a helper that will also mediate CHK downloads and mutable uploads and downloads. I'm making a separate ticket for this since it's more work than I'd originally realized. I think I can still get it done in the original schedule.

Zooko and I have talked about the need or lack of need for this connection-minimization. It may be the case that minimizing connections is not all that important, at least with a reasonable number of clients. So it's possible that we'll want the #116 upload-only helper to get us resumability and 1x uploads, but not the all-purpose helper described in this ticket to get us minimal connections and isolation between clients and storage servers.

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