#2843 closed defect (cannot reproduce)

tahoe storage over ssh tunnel

Reported by: gregbk Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: unknown Version: 1.11.0
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:

Description (last modified by exarkun)


Tahoe LAFS on docker node work great8 I am now trying to secure connection between storage nodes(on internet) and the introducer+client(private network).

I want to use ssh tunneling to allow client to push on storage node.

  • From each node

I opened a reverse tunnel: ssh -LR 1111:localhost:1111 CLIENT_IP


nickname = tdengine
reveal-IP-address = true
web.port = tcp:3456:interface=
web.static = public_html
tub.port = tcp:1111
tub.location = tcp:
#log_gatherer.furl =
#timeout.keepalive =
#timeout.disconnect =
#ssh.port = 8022
#ssh.authorized_keys_file = ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
introducer.furl = pb://zyadrwufzm34fwquu6oz6ktqu2e4phlg@tcp:INTRODUCER_IP:41464/uqrzlcn5etmnrb5x7rzbhkgq6ctoakrb
helper.furl =
#stats_gatherer.furl =
... rest is default
  • From introducer web page, I can't see my node in green
  • From Client
    netstat -plunt
    Active Internet connections (only servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1112/sshd       
    tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      4694/sshd: root 
    tcp6       0      0 :::3456                 :::*                    LISTEN      4051/docker-proxy
    tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      1112/sshd       
    tcp6       0      0 ::1:1111                :::*                    LISTEN      4694/sshd: root 

flogtool tail /root/.tahoe/private/logport.furl:

14:24:31.208 L20 []#1395 received 1 announcements (v2)
14:24:31.214 L20 []#1396 announcement for nickname 'tdengine', service=storage: {u'nonce': u'zyzg462q2enwfkjdjizccdgwplrahg3gb3seum6rgi5wqs73lt2a', u'app-versions': {u'Nevow': u'0.14.2', u'foolscap': u'0.12.4', u'cffi': u'1.8.3', u'Twisted': u'16.4.1', u'twisted': u'16.4.1', u'attrs': u'16.2.0', u'simplejson': u'3.8.2', u'pyasn1-modules': u'0.0.8', u'six': u'1.10.0', u'OpenSSL': u'1.0.1t', u'platform': u'Linux-debian_8.6-x86_64-64bit_ELF', u'zope.interface': u'unknown', u'PyYAML': u'3.12', u'cryptography': u'1.5.2', u'python': u'2.7.12', u'pycparser': u'2.14', u'idna': u'2.1', u'zfec': u'1.4.24', u'pycryptopp': u'', u'ipaddress': u'1.0.17', u'tahoe-lafs': u'unknown', u'pycrypto': u'2.6.1', u'pyOpenSSL': u'16.1.0', u'characteristic': u'14.3.0', u'service-identity': u'16.0.0', u'enum34': u'1.1.6', u'shutilwhich': u'1.1.0', u'setuptools': u'27.3.0', u'pyasn1': u'0.1.9'}, u'seqnum': 6, u'nickname': u'tdengine', u'anonymous-storage-FURL': u'pb://6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3@tcp:', u'service-name': u'storage', u'version': 0, u'my-version': u'tahoe-lafs/unknown', u'permutation-seed-base32': u'rnlexqv5bm7em5ycu6pi3c55ompqab234f63r3b22xwcpfzhwaua', u'oldest-supported': u'1.0.0'}
14:24:31.214 L10 []#1397 replacing old announcement: {u'nonce': u'zyzg462q2enwfkjdjizccdgwplrahg3gb3seum6rgi5wqs73lt2a', u'app-versions': {u'Nevow': u'0.14.2', u'foolscap': u'0.12.4', u'cffi': u'1.8.3', u'Twisted': u'16.4.1', u'twisted': u'16.4.1', u'attrs': u'16.2.0', u'cryptography': u'1.5.2', u'ipaddress': u'1.0.17', u'six': u'1.10.0', u'OpenSSL': u'1.0.1t', u'platform': u'Linux-debian_8.6-x86_64-64bit_ELF', u'zope.interface': u'unknown', u'PyYAML': u'3.12', u'pyasn1': u'0.1.9', u'simplejson': u'3.8.2', u'python': u'2.7.12', u'pycparser': u'2.14', u'zfec': u'1.4.24', u'pycryptopp': u'', u'pyasn1-modules': u'0.0.8', u'pycrypto': u'2.6.1', u'tahoe-lafs': u'unknown', u'enum34': u'1.1.6', u'characteristic': u'14.3.0', u'service-identity': u'16.0.0', u'pyOpenSSL': u'16.1.0', u'shutilwhich': u'1.1.0', u'setuptools': u'27.3.0', u'idna': u'2.1'}, u'seqnum': 6, u'oldest-supported': u'1.0.0', u'anonymous-storage-FURL': u'pb://6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3@tcp:', u'service-name': u'storage', u'version': 0, u'my-version': u'tahoe-lafs/unknown', u'permutation-seed-base32': u'rnlexqv5bm7em5ycu6pi3c55ompqab234f63r3b22xwcpfzhwaua', u'nickname': u'tdengine'}
14:24:31.345 L20 []#1398 TubConnector created from xjcagnk5v2ghjykrbmoz7pivqovowc65 to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3
14:24:31.345 L20 []#1399 considering hint: tcp:
14:24:31.345 L20 []#1400 connecting to hint: tcp:
14:24:31.648 L20 []#1401 connection refused for tcp:
14:24:31.650 L20 []#1402 connectorFinished (<foolscap.connection.TubConnector object at 0x7f1f1fa5ab10 from xjcagnk5v2ghjykrbmoz7pivqovowc65 to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3>)
14:24:34.443 L20 []#1403 TubConnector created from xjcagnk5v2ghjykrbmoz7pivqovowc65 to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3
14:24:34.445 L20 []#1404 considering hint: tcp:
14:24:34.445 L20 []#1405 connecting to hint: tcp:
14:24:34.753 L20 []#1406 connection refused for tcp:
14:24:34.753 L20 []#1407 connectorFinished (<foolscap.connection.TubConnector object at 0x7f1f1fa5a610 from xjcagnk5v2ghjykrbmoz7pivqovowc65 to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3>)


14:15:29.746 L20 []#1357 negotiationFailed
 [CopiedFailure instance: Traceback from remote host -- Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/posixbase.py", line 597, in _doReadOrWrite
     why = selectable.doRead()
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py", line 208, in doRead
     return self._dataReceived(data)
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/tcp.py", line 214, in _dataReceived
     rval = self.protocol.dataReceived(data)
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/endpoints.py", line 116, in dataReceived
     return self._wrappedProtocol.dataReceived(data)
 --- <exception caught here> ---
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/foolscap/negotiate.py", line 384, in dataReceived
   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/foolscap/negotiate.py", line 523, in handlePLAINTEXTClient
     % lines[0])
 foolscap.tokens.BananaError: BananaError: ("not right, got 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error: unknown TubID gzssqpbugmn6uzxgyjyf6twxgtdxfd55', expected 101 Switching Protocols",)
14:15:29.753 L20 []#1358 connectorFinished (<foolscap.connection.TubConnector object at 0x7f1f204110d0 from nvq6jlmugj4vyvh76bvwwzplsefnouj6 to gzssqpbugmn6uzxgyjyf6twxgtdxfd55>)
14:15:44.819 L20 []#1359 TubConnector created from jot7orbnlfaye5vqrskkv7n6tb7wln3u to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3
14:15:44.820 L20 []#1360 considering hint: tcp:
14:15:44.820 L20 []#1361 connecting to hint: tcp:
14:15:45.127 L20 []#1362 connection refused for tcp:
14:15:45.128 L20 []#1363 connectorFinished (<foolscap.connection.TubConnector object at 0x7f1f1fac7510 from jot7orbnlfaye5vqrskkv7n6tb7wln3u to 6ayuenhqyxfcz6iuafpdy3fni26xnzz3>)
14:15:53.694 L20 []#1364 TubConnector created from s2khye6nlphlv4lex6htv44izn2lz7ng to vgvcxuhqvykujzfajjfv5pyxxepd5rsq
14:15:53.694 L20 []#1365 considering hint: tcp:
14:15:53.695 L20 []#1366 connecting to hint: tcp:
14:16:23.697 L28 []#1367
 [CopiedFailure instance: Traceback from remote host -- Traceback (most recent call last):
 Failure: twisted.internet.error.TimeoutError: User timeout caused connection failure.
14:16:23.697 L20 []#1368 connectorFinished (<foolscap.connection.TubConnector object at 0x7f1f1fa5aa90 from s2khye6nlphlv4lex6htv44izn2lz7ng to vgvcxuhqvykujzfajjfv5pyxxepd5rsq>)

Can you help me understand what's the best way to do that? I want something easy, and not tor.

Thank you and good day! Greg.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed at 2020-12-09T14:48:14Z by exarkun

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed at 2020-12-09T14:50:46Z by exarkun

  • Resolution set to cannot reproduce
  • Status changed from new to closed

The error in the ticket description seems to indicate that the wrong Tub has been reached. Perhaps the tunnel was set up to point at the wrong place. Or, Docker was mentioned, so perhaps the original Tub's state was lost when an ephemeral Docker instance was destroyed. A new one replaced it but can't prove it is the expected Tub (since it isn't).

It's hard to say more without all of the details of the setup. Also this ticket is quite stale so I doubt all of those details still exist, and maybe no one even cares anymore.

I'd encourage folks to use the IRC channel and the mailing list for support-style requests like this. The issue tracker does not get prompt attention.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.