#2983 closed task (fixed)

decommission the rpi3 builder

Reported by: exarkun Owned by: warner
Priority: normal Milestone: undecided
Component: unknown Version: 1.12.1
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


It has suffered some kind of failure that renders all builds failures.

It can be replaced by a QEMU-based ARM builder on CircleCI or elsewhere or a native ARM builder on some cloud provider (packet, AWS, etc).

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2019-03-08T14:03:09Z by exarkun

I've removed the builder on this slave. Only Brian can actually decommission the actual system, of course.

It's possible the system can be fixed by re-imaging it. However, I suggest that rather than doing this, we set up a cloud ARM slave instead. The smallest AWS ARM instance type can be had for under $4/month. These instances offer more RAM (2GB vs 1GB) and faster CPU (Cortex-A72 (high performance) vs Cortex-A53 (low power)).

comment:2 Changed at 2019-03-08T14:03:56Z by exarkun

  • Owner set to warner

Optimistically assigning this to Brian so he's aware of the change (deployed) and can do something with the hardware and/or comment on the above suggestion, if he wants.

comment:3 Changed at 2019-03-08T17:20:12Z by warner

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Got it, I'll unplug the poor thing. It's served us well.

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