#3849 closed task (fixed)

Refactor Foolscap code so it's separate from non-Foolscap code in storage API

Reported by: itamarst Owned by: itamarst
Priority: normal Milestone: HTTP Storage Protocol
Component: unknown Version: n/a
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


Right now Foolscap implementation is heavily tied in to StorageServer?, BucketWriter?, and BucketReader?. Sometimes the business logic is separate method, sometimes not.

This means it's harder to see which parts are Foolscap-specific, it's harder to make the type checker happy due to RIStorageServer interfaces and friends (which specify foo() but need remote_foo()), and it makes ripping out Foolscap later on harder.

So, much like HTTP is a separate class wrapping the underlying StorageServer?, Foolscap should also be separate classes wrapping the underlying StorageServer? etc..

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed at 2021-12-16T13:56:30Z by itamarst

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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