#555 closed defect (fixed)

tahoe .deb cannot be installed on hardy: simplejson dependency is too new

Reported by: warner Owned by: somebody
Priority: critical Milestone: 1.3.0
Component: packaging Version: 1.2.0
Keywords: Cc:
Launchpad Bug:


Also, our tahoe .deb can't be installed on gutsy, because the python-setuptools dependency is too new.

Current trunk (source:_auto_deps.py) specifies that tahoe requires setuptools >0.6c7, while gutsy has 0.6c6 (and hardy has 0.6c8). It also specifies that tahoe requires simplejson-1.8.1 (because of ticket #543), but gutsy has 1.7.1 and hardy has 1.7.3 .

We need to be able to install tahoe on debian systems. We can drop support for older releases if necessary, but it must at least install on the most recent LTS release (which is currently hardy). That means we must either refrain from depending upon packages that are newer than the ones provided by hardy, or we have to build hardy-compatible newer versions of their .debs and host them on the same APT repository as our tahoe .debs

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2008-12-08T17:45:49Z by zooko

Here is the history of changes to our install_requires on setuptools. (Note that this is different from our setup_requires.)

83b5f5ad520ed28d -- 2008-11-21: >= 0.6c7

68f38f241b64176e -- 2008-11-20: >= 0.6c8 because 0.6a9 can't parse requirements with dots in them like zope.interface

0c39ab90fa3ce28e -- 2008-04-10: >= 0.6a9, because we realized that we require >= 0.6c8 to build, but only >= 0.6a9 to run

85602d190d401a4f -- 2008-04-10: add the requirement on setuptools at run-time, with >= 0.6c8, presumably just because that's what I used at the time

So we definitly need some version which is > 0.6a9, since 0.6a9 can't parse zope.interface. I will try 0.6c6 next.

comment:2 Changed at 2008-12-08T17:47:55Z by zooko

9fba0288928e034e -- install_require setuptools >= 0.6c6

comment:3 Changed at 2008-12-09T14:03:41Z by zooko

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Okay I believe this ticket is fixed by 9fba0288928e034e and 8e22556e66a6d948. This breaks the dapper buildslave, but that's a different ticket (#534).

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