


18:00 Ticket #181 (restart is a bit too sensitive to slow shutdown (or shutdown is a bit ...) closed by zooko
fixed: I created [#200 #200 -- writing of shares is fragile and/or there is …
17:58 Ticket #200 (writing of shares is fragile and "tahoe stop" is unnecessarily harsh) created by zooko
As per comment:ticket:181:8, the updating of share data is an …
17:09 Ticket #187 (security flaw: directory server can escalate read access into write access) closed by zooko
duplicate: Small Distributed Mutable Files will fix this. Merging into #197.
17:08 Ticket #199 (pycrypto gives bad output from SHA-256 for certain input lengths) created by zooko
The implementation of SHA-256 in pycrypto (which we use in Tahoe <= …


18:38 Performance edited by warner
explain the sometimes-slow DSL results (diff)
08:47 Ticket #198 (count TODOs, display per file) created by warner
we currently have a buildbot step which counts occurrences of the word …


22:29 Ticket #197 (small mutable files) created by warner
Last week, zooko and I finished designing "Small Distributed Mutable …
18:22 Ticket #196 (Give good DNS name and port number to the public web interface to the ...) created by zooko
Somebody asked, mirthfully, what did the "bs" stand for in …
17:15 Ticket #195 (build an .exe installer for 64-bit Windows 7 (and preferably 8)) created by zooko
My dad would love to see some new grand-children movies. I would love …


07:22 Ticket #194 (README.w32) created by ghazel
As discovered at the hack-a-thon, zfec requies c99 and MS never plans …
06:24 Ticket #193 (pauses during streaming music at a party) created by zooko
Sometimes tahoe pauses during streaming a succession of music files at …
05:15 Ticket #192 (README LIED AGAIN!!!) created by arch_o_median
" 213 The introducer (-and-vdrive) node is constructed by running …
04:10 Ticket #191 (The Setuptools Way Section in the Readme Makes Unsupportable Assertions) created by arch_o_median
"Snip 1" is end of output produced by: "/home/arc/tahoe> sudo python …
03:43 Ticket #190 (Easy Install Way Fails) created by arch_o_median
After installing via the "easy_install way", I am unable to locate the …
03:12 Ticket #189 (Naive user needs table of contents or index for Install Readme) created by arch_o_median
A confusion generator in the install readme is that the reader must …
02:41 Ticket #188 (--basedir vs. --node-directory) created by zooko
Let's make both admin commands and fs commands use the same.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.