


19:02 Dev edited by zooko
name change link s/PatchReviewProcess/How to review patches/ (diff)


16:29 Ticket #817 (inconsistent Recent Operations Status - Done/Finished) created by terrell
The grid status page shows inconsistent results for the Status column …


22:22 Ticket #653 (introducer client: connection count is wrong, ...) closed by zooko
fixed: I created #816 (don't rely on notifyOnDisconnect()). We can close …
22:19 Ticket #816 (Add ping-all-servers button to welcome page) created by zooko
#653 was a long drawn out investigation that concluded that there is …
19:04 Bibliography edited by zooko
link to HKDF (diff)
01:30 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
unlink #2 (diff)
01:29 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
actually #3 does *not* depend on one-wayness of hash_r because R has … (diff)
01:26 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
#5 depends on one-wayness of hash_r (diff)
00:57 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
italics, K1enc -> EncK1 (diff)
00:54 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
to prevent some attacks, hash_r must be a suitable KDF (sort-of … (diff)
00:38 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by davidsarah
image link didn't work with .svg (at least in Firefox). Works with .png (diff)


02:55 FAQ edited by davidsarah
02:54 FAQ edited by davidsarah
add link to architecture doc (diff)


23:50 NewCaps/WhatCouldGoWrong edited by zooko
add image of elk point 2 at top of page (diff)
23:24 RelatedProjects edited by zooko
add kpreid's cron script (diff)
23:08 FAQ edited by zooko
editing (diff)
23:06 FAQ edited by zooko
dang it I always forget the order of trac hyperlink markup (diff)
23:06 FAQ edited by zooko
link to Other Distributed Storage Systems (diff)
23:05 FAQ created by zooko
the first few FAQs. (?)
18:29 TahoeTwo edited by davidsarah
18:25 TahoeTwo edited by davidsarah
18:22 TahoeTwo edited by davidsarah
18:20 PeerSelection created by davidsarah
18:19 TahoeThree edited by davidsarah
18:17 TahoeThree edited by davidsarah
18:16 TahoeTwo edited by davidsarah
18:13 TahoeThree edited by davidsarah
18:12 ServerSelection edited by davidsarah
links, typos (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.