


22:27 Ticket #2263 (Issue starting/stopping tahoe on Windows with multi-users) created by CyberAxe
Problems: When starting Tahoe with --basedir= to overwrite default …


00:55 BBFreeze edited by zooko


22:19 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by Zancas
18:13 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by Zancas
17:56 FAQ edited by zooko
remove mention of obsolete thing (diff)
17:03 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by zooko
17:03 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by zooko
bad comma! bad! (diff)
17:02 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by zooko
optimize out three words (diff)
17:01 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by Zancas
16:59 HowtoContributeABuildbot edited by Zancas


21:38 Ticket #2262 (Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage) created by CyberAxe
Video created by Josiah Gillispie, Great job and thank you for your …


17:52 Ticket #2261 (Linux video how to - doesn't show restore/recovery - no info on Aliases) created by CyberAxe
The video shows backup but not restore. It shows that the data got …
17:48 Ticket #2260 (Linux - Video how to - Create Directory) created by CyberAxe
In the video by Taylor …
17:19 Ticket #2259 (Linux How to video comments Get vs CP) created by CyberAxe
In the video by Taylor …
17:16 Ticket #2258 (Tahoe-lafs How-to Linux Video Comments - Put vs backup) created by CyberAxe
In the Video by Taylor …
17:01 Ticket #2257 (issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto ...) created by CyberAxe
Problem: When installing on Ubuntu 14.04 $su -c "apt-get install …


22:13 Ticket #2253 (fix legal/governance issues preventing merge of truckee) closed by leif
duplicate: I think the obstacles to merging truckee now are mostly just lack of …
05:42 WikiStart edited by zooko
HOPE-X (diff)
05:32 WikiStart edited by zooko
bye bye RTN (diff)
05:32 WikiStart edited by zooko
deprecate New News (diff)
05:31 OldNews edited by zooko
import more old news (diff)
05:26 News edited by zooko
move everything out to Old News (diff)
05:25 News edited by zooko
moved 2013 to Old News (diff)
05:24 OldNews edited by zooko
import 2013's Old News (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.