


20:17 Changeset in trunk [64a7c68] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
expenses: pay hosting through May-2016
19:48 Changeset in trunk [de90ae1] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
expenses: pay DNS, TLS
19:18 Changeset in trunk [4b035c17] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
donations.rst: add new expense addresses, resign Also adds …


04:12 Ticket #2794 (move controlport/logport to a separate Tub (and separate port)) closed by Brian Warner <warner@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"7d692d0afdb63fd597145e04f335d7ac5fd7dda7/trunk"
04:09 Changeset in trunk [6a35cf2] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Merge branch 'pr294': split control/log to new Tubs closes tahoe-lafs#294
04:09 Changeset in trunk [7d692d0] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Split control and log to two separate tubs, remove control knobs. …
04:09 Changeset in trunk [e5ffbdb] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Move control/logging to a separate Tub
02:52 Ticket #2795 (copy fixed allocate_tcp_port() from Foolscap) closed by Brian Warner <warner@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"3402f754549a7fbd2a61745fccaba14903a210c6/trunk"
02:20 Changeset in trunk [3402f75] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
copy fixed allocate_tcp_port() from foolscap The old copy had a bug …


09:08 Changeset in trunk [7407e7c] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Merge branch 'pr285': add travis OS-X coverage
09:05 Changeset in trunk [5bf7fab] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
travis: big cleanup, make it work on OS-X Travis defaults to giving …
09:00 Changeset in trunk [7e10b5d] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Corrections to .travis.yml from Brian's review
09:00 Changeset in trunk [73c4aa72] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
wtf sudo tox for linux
09:00 Changeset in trunk [8a374df] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Make travis test on osx and linux both


23:41 Changeset in trunk [a39270b] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
more v1-introducer cleanup: require sigs This removes a little bit of …
23:37 Ticket #2797 (explain two timestamps on WUI server listings) created by warner
I loaded the current "welcome page", and the server columns have two …
22:33 Ticket #2784 (remove support for v1 introducer) closed by Brian Warner <warner@…>
fixed: In [changeset:"78810d585148e35b1c481c7ad9b8cefc92e6357a/trunk"
22:31 Changeset in trunk [78810d5] by Brian Warner <warner@…>
Merge branch '2784-remove-v1-introducer' Closes PR #289 Closes ticket:2784
16:16 Ticket #2780 (use OneShotObserverList on magic-folder branch) closed by meejah


20:37 Ticket #2796 (add share-type argument to storage server protocol) created by warner
I was thinking about a few things today: * hard drives fade over …


01:54 Ticket #2795 (copy fixed allocate_tcp_port() from Foolscap) created by warner
The synchronous node startup work (#2491) used a function I wrote for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.