


16:44 Ticket #2861 (SSL handshake failure with 1.12 storage nodes over I2P) created by str4d
Steps to recreate: - Create a storage node with `--hide-ip …


20:10 Ticket #2860 (tahoe create-node writes tcp=tor even for i2p) created by dawuud
str4d has found that even without txtorcon installed you can trigger a …
19:44 Ticket #2859 (introducer client uses cache even if it doesn't have to) created by dawuud
Hello, I'm at 33c3 with str4d discussing the introducer client. He's …
19:42 Ticket #2858 (i2p connectivity ordering problem for storage nodes) created by dawuud
str4d reports: tldr; because client connections were made before the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.