


19:47 VolunteerGrid edited by soult
trid1 decomission complete (diff)
14:26 VolunteerGrid edited by kpreid
fix table headings, update kpreid@slimy status, change email (diff)
04:11 Ticket #861 (Any node interface available on a public exposes confidential grid info) closed by davidsarah
00:51 VolunteerGrid edited by soult
Fix some links, reorganize node list (diff)


17:32 Ticket #861 (Any node interface available on a public exposes confidential grid info) created by imhavoc
Any node that is available on an exposed IP address publishes the …
05:27 Ticket #860 (Hiding introducer and helper furls and other private info reported by ...) created by davidsarah


20:24 Ticket #859 (Running unit tests throws DeprecationWarnings) created by imhavoc
[…] System is AMD64, dual-core. Tahoe-lafs runs fine. This …


13:13 Ticket #858 (extra deep-check stats: unhealthiness of each file) created by kpreid
It would be nice if for each 'repair successful' line, {{{tahoe …
08:05 Ticket #857 (Make operation-handle-querying use only a little memory) created by davidsarah
The documentation on operation handles starting at …
06:16 Ticket #123 ("text/plain" link uses double filename= query arg) closed by davidsarah
fixed: The current "Raw data as text/plain" link uses @@named=/raw.txt, …
05:56 Ticket #269 (client should handle migrated shares by updating the write-enabler) closed by zooko
wontfix: The new plan is to define a new mutable-file format …
05:44 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
statistics keyword (diff)
05:33 Ticket #790 (setup.py thinks it is the previous version) closed by zooko
05:32 Ticket #856 (Mention 'tahoe run' in running.html, and improve tahoe --help text) created by davidsarah
From #355: > I guess you missed the existence of tahoe run
04:34 Ticket #855 (Make tahoe webopen without arguments show the tahoe: alias, if there is one) created by daira
This would avoid the ambient authority problem that led to the old …
04:26 Ticket #783 (does it sometimes use 750 MB) closed by zooko
04:20 TestGrid edited by davidsarah
link to #317 (diff)
04:15 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
update combined queries (diff)
04:12 Ticket #58 (logging: also available separately) closed by zooko
wontfix: The logging system we use now is deeply intertwined with foolscap, in …
04:12 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
introducer (diff)
04:06 Ticket #56 (logging: lazy representation, interpolation, formatting, etc.) closed by zooko
fixed: This is super thoroughly fixed by foolscap logging, which not only …
03:59 Ticket #83 (Extend external interfaces for operation monitoring.) closed by zooko
03:24 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
traffic-analysis -> privacy (diff)
02:59 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
scalability and logging keywords; rename dataloss to preservation (diff)
02:33 Ticket #87 (store less validation information in each share, to lower overhead) closed by zooko
wontfix: Thanks, David-Sarah.


21:08 WikiStart edited by imhavoc
18:46 WikiStart edited by terrell
16:09 Ticket #854 (what to do when you can't find any IP address for yourself) created by zooko
In #853 a user on Windows had changed their PATH so that there was no …
10:02 WikiStart edited by Grumpf
Additionnal tagging of Tahoe-LFS network topology schema <img> (diff)
04:55 Ticket #353 (deb-gutsy fails in install_scripts, usr/bin not created) closed by zooko
fixed: Hrm, I'm pretty sure that this has been fixed since then. We even have …
04:33 Ticket #253 (everything stalls after abrupt disconnect) closed by zooko
wontfix: I haven't tried to reproduce this problem or further diagnose it in …
04:28 Ticket #193 (pauses during streaming music at a party) closed by zooko
wontfix: The part of this that is understood enough to that we can make …
04:21 Ticket #422 (have buildslaves automatically build debian packages of foolscap, ...) closed by zooko
duplicate: duplicate of #769
03:01 Ticket #470 (tahoe 'make' fails at twisted, on leopard (macos 10.5)) closed by zooko
invalid: The original bug report was against v1.1.0 and the build system has …
02:43 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
foolscap query (diff)
02:32 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
install query (diff)
02:27 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
memory, setuptools (diff)


19:38 VolunteerGrid edited by francois
New introducer (diff)
15:51 Ticket #853 (pycryptopp-related hang of unit tests on platforms using buggy Gnu as ...) created by zooko
Kai posted this bug report …
04:00 Ticket #852 (Install problems Red Hat ES 4.0) closed by zooko
invalid: Okay, I can't figure out how to prevent the next person from stepping …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.