


21:19 OSPackages edited by micah
update debian version (diff)
19:15 OSPackages edited by zooko
merge the debian and ubuntu contact lists (diff)
19:08 OSPackages edited by zooko
remove paul hummer and olivier, as I didn't hear from them during the … (diff)
18:00 ViewTickets edited by davidsarah
add archlinux and zope queries (diff)
17:44 Ticket #1536 (nicely report any errors involving finding and using ifconfig) created by zooko
A couple of users have recently …
16:20 Ticket #1186 (downloader: avoid redundant Share.loop calls) closed by warner
duplicate: Nope, ShareFinder does the DYHB queries, so it's only involved …


17:10 Ticket #1535 (Allow restricting Tahoe-LAFS gateway to one user by supporting Unix sockets) created by LoneTech
It's fairly easy to limit the node interface, by setting something …
11:38 OSPackages edited by gdt
10:38 OSPackages edited by np
07:05 News edited by zooko
1.8.3 NEWS (diff)
07:04 WikiStart edited by zooko
add NEWS about v1.8.3 (diff)
04:30 Doc edited by zooko
add link to v1.8.3 relnotes.txt (diff)
04:20 WikiStart edited by zooko
remove link to lafs.pdf which is also linked from deeper in, and which … (diff)
04:18 WikiStart edited by zooko
04:17 News edited by zooko
move some old news to the old news page (diff)
04:17 OldNews edited by zooko
move some old news from the news page (diff)
04:16 News edited by zooko
import some news from the front page (diff)
04:16 WikiStart edited by zooko
trim off some old news (diff)
00:22 Ticket #1534 (Some docs in mutable/layout.py are slightly confusing.) created by zancas
I'm looking at layout.py. There're three (minor) points of confusion …


23:36 WikiStart edited by davidsarah
point to latest trunk version of quickstart.rst (diff)
22:10 Ticket #1528 (escalation of authority from knowing a storage index to being able to ...) closed by zooko@…
fixed: In 5476f67dc1177a26: […]
21:44 UseCases edited by LoneTech
The strange use case of a non-networked Tahoe LAFS. (diff)
18:34 Ticket #1528 (escalation of authority from knowing a storage index to being able to ...) reopened by davidsarah
16:25 Ticket #1528 (escalation of authority from knowing a storage index to being able to ...) closed by zooko@…
fixed: In [5006/1.8.3]: […]
11:30 Milestone 1.8.3 completed
Security bugfix release (#1528)


18:22 Ticket #1533 (CLI: the message displayed when twistd.pid already exists refers to ...) created by davidsarah
The message is: […]


00:34 Ticket #1532 (test suite: measure time taken by a representative test, and set other ...) created by davidsarah
Brian suggested this idea on IRC. It would alleviate to some extent …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.