Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of Bibliography

2008-11-09T14:37:06Z (16 years ago)

add note about irRUPT


  • Bibliography

    v25 v26  
    1010[ Salsa20 Security Arguments] why Salsa20 is probably safe against this and that threat
    12 [ EnRUPT] a very simple, fast, and flexible primitive which could be used as stream cipher, secure hash function, or MAC (the first two are primitives that we currently need, and the third one -- MAC -- is a primitive that we may want in the future) and which relies for its security on a large number of rounds.  The question of how many rounds to use is decided by semi-automated cryptanalysis.
     12[ EnRUPT] a very simple, fast, and flexible primitive which could be used as stream cipher, secure hash function, or MAC (the first two are primitives that we currently need, and the third one -- MAC -- is a primitive that we may want in the future) and which relies for its security on a large number of rounds.  The question of how many rounds to use is decided by semi-automated cryptanalysis.  (Note: the stream-hash version of enRUPT, known is "irRUPT" has been shown to be insecure in the SHA-3 contest.  The traditional Merkle-Damgard variant -- mdRUPT -- is probably still secure.)
    1414[] a table of semi-automated cryptanalysis results from the inventors of EnRUPT.  This technique is not well accepted by the mainstream of cryptographers.  I (Zooko) can't judge how valid it is.  Note that Tiger is one of only two hash functions that are predicted to be secure by this analysis -- the other is Whirlpool.  MD-4/5, SHA-0/1/2, and GOST are predicted to be insecure.