Changes between Version 53 and Version 54 of Bibliography

2010-06-23T00:22:03Z (14 years ago)

add notes about hash-based sigs


  • Bibliography

    v53 v54  
    2424=== Public Key Cryptography ===
    26 [ Efficient Signature Schemes with Tight Reductions to the Diffie-Hellman Problems] Scheme 1 in this paper comes with a tight reduction to the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem, which means it is definitely at least as secure as any discrete-log-based scheme and could be more secure. It also has a good pedigree (having been suggested by David Chaum et al. in 1989 and having been proven to tightly reduce to Computational Diffie-Hellman by Katz et al. in 2003). It also has a nice short public key, which could be good for fitting it into our capability security schemes.
     26==== Hash-Based Digital Signatures ====
     28[ Hash-based Digital Signature Schemes] by Buchmann, Dahmen, and Szydlo; A survey of why it might be a good idea.
     30[ Fast Hash-Based Signatures on Constrained Devices] by Rohde, Eisenbarth, Dahmen, Buchmann, and Paar; a case study of implementing hash-based digital signatures for a 8-bit microcontroller. Their implementation had some trade-offs that we wouldn't want: it is a "key-evolving" design (the signer has to maintain state in order to avoid a security failure), it can only handle a limited number of signatures, and they spent a lot of time in key generation. Hm, I can't find this in their paper now, but I thought that last time I read it I saw that they spent more than an hour (!!) generating each key on a PC! On the other hand, the result is a digital signature scheme which is faster and arguably safer than RSA or ECDSA on their 8-bit microcontroller.
    2832=== Elliptic Curve Cryptography ===
    8185These are some references which are less interesting or relevant than the ones above.
     87=== Public Key Cryptography ===
     89[ Efficient Signature Schemes with Tight Reductions to the Diffie-Hellman Problems] Scheme 1 in this paper comes with a tight reduction to the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem, which means it is definitely at least as secure as any discrete-log-based scheme and could be more secure. It also has a good pedigree (having been suggested by David Chaum et al. in 1989 and having been proven to tightly reduce to Computational Diffie-Hellman by Katz et al. in 2003). It also has a nice short public key, which could be good for fitting it into our capability security schemes.
     91=== Miscellaneous ===
    8393[ POST: A Secure, Resilient, Cooperative Messaging System] -- use a DHT for messaging; includes a suggestion to ameliorate the confidentiality problems of single-instance store by adding random bits to small text messages