Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of WeeklyMeeting

2012-11-13T23:54:17Z (12 years ago)

switch agenda to TESLA COILS AND CORPSES "async notifications"


  • WeeklyMeeting

    v22 v23  
    2222Upcoming: 2012-11-15
    24 This will be a ''NUTS AND BOLTS'' meeting — engineering, debugging, making stable releases, etc. If you're more into ''TESLA COILS AND CORPSES'' then stay tuned for a future meeting about science, big new features, writing papers about our work, etc.
     24This will be a ''TESLA COILS AND CORPSES'' meeting: science, big new features, writing papers about our work, etc. If you're more into ''NUTS AND BOLTS'' then stay tuned for a future meeting about engineering, debugging, making stable releases, etc.
    26 Agenda:
     26Agenda: async notifications
    28 What can we do to move Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 along? Is David-Sarah too busy with ! to be Release Manager for Tahoe-LAFS v1.10? Should Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 contain only patches that are already on trunk?
     28What a ''lot'' of people really want is an alternative to Dropbox — something that functions very like Dropbox but without exposing your plaintext to spying and corruption. David-Sarah implemented a part of this with the drop-upload feature. It seems to me that the blocker which prevents Tahoe-LAFS from doing the rest of it is that LAFS clients have no way to get an asynchronous notification that a file has changed (i.e., so that they don't have to poll to find out if the file has changed). So: could we add that? Why not just define a remote interface offered by LAFS clients to LAFS servers. The remove interface is "hey_you_this_file_has_changed(storageindex)".
     30Another approach would be to embrace a standard mechanism like PubSubHubBub. That might help with our long-term goal of moving from foolscap to HTTP, and it might let us benefit from the work others do on issues around this such as DoS and scalability.
    3032== Proposed Future Topics ==
     34* **Tahoe-LAFS v1.10** What can we do to move Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 along? Is David-Sarah too busy with ! to be Release Manager for Tahoe-LAFS v1.10? Should Tahoe-LAFS v1.10 contain only patches that are already on trunk?
    3236* **Proof-of-Retrievability** review of a paper draft Zooko will distribute. (was scheduled: ~~2012-10-30~~)