Welcome to the Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News (TWN). Tahoe-LAFS is a secure, distributed storage system. View TWN on the web or subscribe to TWN. If you would like to view the "new and improved" TWN, complete with pictures; please take a look.
My apologies for the delay in getting this out to our readers. At the last minute, I needed to drive my kids to their schools. This caused my schedule to slip, resulting in the delay. Thank you for being understanding.
This Monday, I had the pleasure of speaking with str4d of I2P. I2P runs one of the largest, if not the largest Tahoe-LAFS grids in the world. They deploy mulitple introducers (2) to prevent the grid from dying in the event of an introducer outage (i.e. the Destination key being lost). This is the first grid of which I am aware that uses the multiple introducer approach in production.
They even maintain fantastic documentation on using Tahoe-LAFS on I2P. A special thanks goes to KillYourTV for this documentation. In addition to written documents, I2P and its users provide tahoe-repair-all, print-good-shares, and grid-updates. If you are interested in helping I2P in regards to their Tahoe-LAFS grid, please look into tickets #517 and #1010. If you are interested in I2P, and why wouldn't you be; please find out more about them on their blog.
Personally, I would like to extend my thanks to str4d, KillYourTV, The_Tin_Hat, YrB1rd, and the rest of the I2P community for taking the time to speak with me. I really enjoyed talking with all of you and look forward to working with you in the future.
The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News is published once a week by The Tahoe-LAFS
The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News is published once a week by The Tahoe-LAFS
Software Foundation, President and Treasurer: Peter Secor .
Scribes: Patrick "marlowe" McDonald
, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn ,
Editor Emeritus:
Send your news stories to marlowe@antagonism.org - submission deadline:
Monday night.