Custom Query (44 matches)


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Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#501 NotMutableError (now NotWriteableError) escaping into the twistd.log davidsarah defect major 1.2.0

Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#398 allow users to disable use of helper: direct uploads might be faster task major 1.0.0 invalid
#520 indicate size limits early in helper protocol defect major 1.2.0 fixed
#661 Dynamic share migration to maintain file health enhancement major 1.3.0 duplicate
#696 zfec: faster initialization enhancement major 1.4.1 duplicate
#883 Shallowly read-only caps for directories enhancement major 1.5.0 wontfix
#87 store less validation information in each share, to lower overhead enhancement minor 0.6.0 wontfix
#167 try out Jerasure zooko enhancement minor 0.6.0 fixed
#419 pycryptopp uses up too much RAM nobody defect minor 1.0.0 wontfix
#452 slowdown in _validate_crypttext_hashtree for large files defect minor 1.0.0 duplicate
#697 zfec: SIMD enhancement minor 1.4.1 duplicate
#3828 Placeholder GitHub <noreply@…> defect minor n/a fixed

Status: new (32 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#268 implement CHK download helper warner enhancement major 0.7.0
#284 helper farm warner task major 0.7.0
#307 maybe add node metadata? (in addition to edge metadata) enhancement major 0.7.0
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB enhancement major 1.0.0
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI enhancement major 1.1.0
#604 one-shot distributed revocable forwarding slots enhancement major 1.2.0
#654 make the storage index be the verifier cap enhancement major 1.3.0
#678 converge same file, same K, different N enhancement major 1.3.0
#711 repair to different levels of N enhancement major 1.4.1
#724 helper: client should check up on the helper's work enhancement major 1.4.1
#753 use longer storage index / cap for collision resistance defect major 1.4.1
#946 upload should succeed as soon as the servers-of-happiness criterion is met nobody enhancement major 1.6.0
#1044 short-circuit checker/verifier behavior defect major 1.6.1
#1269 add tcpdump data to viz tool enhancement major 1.8.0
#1288 support streaming uploads in uploader enhancement major 1.8.1
#1354 compression (e.g. to efficiently store sparse files) enhancement major 1.8.2
#2409 tolerate simultaneous uploads better defect major 1.10.0
#1228 backupdb and ext4 i_version/generation xattributes warner enhancement normal 1.8.0
#1340 consider share-at-a-time uploader enhancement normal 1.8.1
#1508 shortcut encryption and erasure coding when a file has already been uploaded enhancement normal 1.9.0a1
#1543 rearrange share format to make downloads faster enhancement normal 1.9.0a1
#1687 store copy of block-hash-chain with each block enhancement normal 1.9.1
#2018 padding to hide the size of plaintexts nejucomo enhancement normal 1.10.0
#2387 transverse block-hash-trees, plus segment-hash-tree enhancement normal 1.10.0
#236 measure the effect of a more memory-local zfec variant on a webapi server zooko enhancement minor 0.7.0
#427 what happens when a file changes as you're copying it? defect minor 1.0.0
#446 shrink UEB: derive more fields from version+filesize enhancement minor 1.0.0
#560 use validation metadata from other servers to validate this server's data? enhancement minor 1.2.0
#707 use local storage server as encrypted cache nobody enhancement minor 1.4.1
#791 Optimize FEC parameters to increase download performance enhancement minor 1.5.0
#1157 new downloader could still get block data from shares with UEB/hashchain corruption enhancement minor 1.8β
#1544 downloader: coordinate crypttext_hash_tree requests enhancement minor 1.9.0a2
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