Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1819 cloud backend: merge to trunk daira enhancement major 1.9.2 wontfix
#2197 cloud backend: strip DevPay support from S3 code daira task normal cloud-branch was already fixed
#1589 S3 backend: when a txaws operation gets an error response, include the full request URI and response body in the exception message, and maybe trigger an incident davidsarah defect major 1.9.0-s3branch fixed
#1678 S3 backend: either handle or avoid truncated get_bucket responses davidsarah defect critical 1.9.0-s3branch fixed
#2015 leasedb: high file descriptor usage exposed by tests markberger defect major cloud-branch fixed
#1818 leasedb: track leases in a sqlite database, not inside shares warner task normal 1.9.2 wontfix
#2206 S3 cloud container AttributeError when retrying an operation: S3Container instance has no attribute '_reactor' zancas defect major cloud-branch fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.